I just realized almost an entire week has passed and I haven't updated a thing. I don't know if it is because I am getting older, am living in another country and am always on the go, or if I just never noticed it before but time is just flying by me. It is like they strapped the days on a TGV and then shot if off on a rocket ship. Seriously though - it has been almost 7 MONTHS since I arrived here in Paris and I look back and wonder, if those months went by so quickly are the rest of the months I have in front of me going to go even faster?? Eeeeek. I hope not because I am not ready for that at all. Or maybe time just feels especially fast over the last week since it has been so jam packed. Now that I think about it, it has been packed to the brim!! I gave my first speech - in front of people, not just at my reflection in the mirror, in French last week. Which was an incredible feeling, mostly because I was so nervous I hardly remember speaking and the rush after was almost exhausting. I co-hosted the first Alstom University AUtube Awards show, our very own, Oscar themed evening full of stars. Which I thought I would be just as nervous for but really actually had one of the best times ever on stage. It helps my co-host is a pro at this kind of stuff ; ) AND I have been running around trying to get my life in order because in 6 days I am flying off back to the US, for my favorite holiday season (aside from my birthday and yes that is a holiday) to see my family and bestest friends ever. So maybe at least for tonight I will blame time taking off on all of the above mentioned.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Would you like fries (or champagne) with that??
It occured to me today as I was looking at pictures on my phone, yes I tend to take a lot of pictures of food - but I can't help it. I mean it is such a huge part of my life and I eat so much of it I feel the need to capture some of the best (and some that have turned out to be the worst) morsels and meals in my life. Just got way off track .. so let me start again - It occured to me today as I was looking at pictures on my phone that a cheeseburger in the States is quite different than a cheeseburger served here. Now the example below is a very drastic example but I am pretty sure you can't get any more opposite than this... I have to stop now becuase I am actually drooling on my keyboard looking at the Friendly's burger. That has just been added back onto the list of MUST EAT while back in the States for the holidays!!!
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Paris or Massachsetts??? Hmmm... I wonder |
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Do I really need to ask?? As if the english writing on the paper UNDER the greasy burger didn't give it away the cole slaw sure did!! |
Labels: champagne, cheeseburger, food
Friday, December 10, 2010
Coin Coin or Quack Quack
I think I have mentioned previously that the lunch conversation here always manage to revolve around really interesting and usually non-work related topics. Not that we don't like talking about work but I have found that at lunch here people actually take a rest from the day to day and give themselves a true break. Recently the following topic has come up multiple times with multiple people and so I feel it's time to share the research I have done on this. I know this has been a burning question for many of you but it's true French animals make different sounds then US animals. Ok maybe it isn't a burning question and well actually it probably seems silly and I am sure you are scratching your head thinking, "What on earth and how does this topic even come up once, never mind multiple times?!?! " So I will tell you....even though I am studying and practicing incredibly hard to learn the language occasionally words will pop up I don't know and I will need a translation. In the case of a menu translation sometimes it is just easier to imitate what sound or action the animal made (before it became my potential entree). Or in my Mom's case (love you Mom) it's an easier way to describe the dish you want for dinner (even though we now know French ducks say Coin and not Quack...) So I have compiled a list to compare the sounds that French and US animals make. I though this would take me forever but you would be surprised by the amount of info you can find by googling animal noises!!
You may find it interesting to know that bee’s are the only bug/animal that won’t need to take lessons to communicate with their relatives overseas.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Winter Wonderland
Yesterday was just that here in Paris. Although it has been rather cold here for the last few weeks and we have had snow showers almost every (gray) day, December 8, marked the true start of winter here. Around 11am I looked out the window at the office to see GIGANTIC white fluffy flakes falling in all sorts of directions. The snow doesn't come down the same way it does at home, at least it doesn't seem to. The flakes were big and almost looked like mini snowballs falling from the sky. For the first time this winter, and after many snow flurries, the fluffy little buggers actually stuck aroudn and started to accumulate, which in turn began to throw the city (especially the airport) into a slight state of chaos. It was a risky walk home yesterday as there were people waiting with piles of snowballs to attack their friends as they turned corners and walked down stairs, the grocers on Rue de Levi (my little market street) scurried around to keep the fruits and vegetables from being covered and almost everyone had their faces covered with the scarves and umbrellas up to keep the flakes from their faces. I thought walking in the cold was a bit intense, but walking around in inches of snow (in what I thought were waterproff boots) is even more intese. One might even say it's a bit of a resistence workout!!! It was a beautiful site to see though for the day - even though this morning the sidewalks were deathtraps of ice and slush and the awnings covering the shops were dripping down icy cold drops of melting snow into my hood. I managed to find a few photos ... next time I will have to pull myself away from watchign the snow fall and my fuzzy blanket and go take some photos of my own...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I was introduced to falafel a few months back and I can honestly say that it is a necessary and needed part of my life now. I have developed cravings for these fried bites of delight in a form I can only imagine is similar to those of a pregnant woman's cravings. I say imagine as I have never actually experienced pregnancy cravings but any person who wants pickles, waffles and whipcream must know what it's like to NEED something!!!! I wont lie as I'm sharing with you my very serious addiction I am on the metro just a few stop away from filling my desire!! I only hope that wherever I end up next I can find a falafel fix that even remotely compares to my favorite place here!!! Do you think there is such a thing as food rehab??
*as always all posts created on the Metro are subject to serious typos due to oversized fingers typing on an iPhone keypad!!
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Please ... refrain from licking your computer screen |
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I love cheese and this place has some of the best cheese around but why oh why does it have to smell so awful?? I have a few pieces of delicious cheese in my fridge and every morning when I open it to get my yogurt and orange juice I almost die when the stench slithers its way out into the kitchen ...It really is just not the best way to start the day... Is there anyway to have the same kind of wonderful tasting cheese without it having the effect of a nuclear stink bomb??
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Parentals and Strasbourg
For the last 5 days or so I have two rather fantastic house guest. They go by the names of Ma and Pa and are one half of my sets of parents. Yes - lucky girl here - two sets of parents. Wooohoo (and I say that completely genuinely)!! What a great time it was to show them around "my" city. I never realized how much I wanted and actually need people to see my life here until they arrived. It made things seem so much more real and it also made me realize how much I have grown and accomplished since I have been here. Six months ago I could barely find my way back to the Metro station, and for the last week I have played Parisian Tour Guide. We fit about as much as three people can fit into 3 days (we spent two of their full days here in Strasbourg - details on that will come). I think my legs are still sore from all the walking and exploring. We experienced a little bit of it all - from waiting in line at the Tour Eiffel (just to decide there was NO way we were waiting that long), to wandering the Jardins de Luxembourg, cheering to a Thanksgiving Pizza dinner and getting snowed on in Monmarte. Truly fantabulous. Yes, I am pretty sure that's a word and if it isn't it's the only thing I can think of to describe how great the last few days were, so too bad!! We finished off our time together by venturing off to Strasbourg - in the East of France for the weekend. We chugged through snow covered farmland on the TGV (thanks Alstom!) and arrived to discover a gorgeous little German influenced town. This weekend was also special because it was the first weekend of their annual Marche de Noel festival. Essentially the entire town looks like it threw up Christmas, in a very beautiful and charming way. We ate traditional food - most of it covered in cheese and bacon and saw Christmas lights and decorations like I have never seen before. Wandering through these themed markets which covered the entire city centre you could find pretty much anything you would ever want, from smoking Santa shaped incense holders, handmade ornaments, any type of Christmas light ever known to man, hats and mittens and every other knick knacky arts and crafty type thing you can imagine. I was almost sure I would run out of memory space on my camera - but it made it through, meaning as soon as I reflect and get all the photos on my little computer the best ones will be shared for all to see - Sharing is caring, as I like to say. All in all the last week was one of the best I have had here in Paris, I can't wait for more of my family to visit so I can share this experience with them. Maybe if I get enough practice, I can start my own tour company..... now that's a thought!!!
PS. The air mattress was a serious success. Perfect size and no leaks and the guests seemed comfy and cozy!!
Monday, November 29, 2010
6 months and then some
Today marks 6 months since I have live in Paris and I have to be honest - time is flying by. It really seems like just yesterday I was trying to convince myself to go into the Monoprix at the end of the street so I would actually have some food to eat in my apartment. Now I practically own that place... ok that MAY BE a bit of an exaggeration but the fear is definitely gone. Recently I have even tried to speak back to the cashiers in French. It's not pretty but everyone keeps telling me it will be the only way that I learn, so I am running with it. Over the last few months I have experienced so many changes and adventures since I have been here I don't even know where to start in summarizing them. All I know is that I plan on enjoying the next 6 months and all of the months that follow even more than I enjoyed the first 6.
Labels: adventure, months, paris, time. adventure
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I received a friendly little email today with these photos attached . Please refrain from comments about how graceful I am, and how the Air Cast compliments my meticulously planned outfit. The photos were a nice reminder of my first fall down the metro stairs and my first (and hopefully last) trip to a French hospital. A day I will never forget, or as today proved, be allowed to forget.
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Hiding my face because the bright blond hair doesn't give away who is riding in that lovely wheelchair... |
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This is actually an advertisement for Air Cast ; ) |
Parlez-moi !!!!! (Talk to Me!!!!)
Alright - I am assuming you all enjoy reading what I write, because you come back, or maybe you feel like you have to rad it to stay caught up. Either way I want to read what you have to write back to me. Maybe that was too many "read" and "writes"'s in one sentence but I think you catch my drift. Leave me some feedback. Try and be relatively kind, but, really I want to know what you think. So to help guide you in this process, I found some great instructions (If you want more detail go to the Blogger Help Guide) Please take a peek then PARLEZ-MOI PEOPLE!!!
If someone has comments enabled on his or her blog, then you can usually find a "comments" link at the end of each post, like this:
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If you click this link, you will go to the comment posting page. The comment posting page looks like this:
In the upper left corner, there is an option to show or hide the original blog post that the comments relate to. The rest of the left-hand column contains any comments that have already been made. The profile photos of the comment authors may also display, depending on the blog's settings.On the right hand side of the page is the space for you to enter your comment. Beneath that are the identity options. (Some of these may not be available, depending on the blog's settings.)
The options are these:
•Blogger username: Your display name will appear, along with a link to your profile and your photo (if you have one).
•Other: You can enter your name and a link to your website, without having to have a Blogger account.
•Anonymous: No identifying information is displayed. The comment is credited to "Anonymous" without a link.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Career Changes.
I had a very interesting conversation with my French teacher today during my lesson. I was being introduced to speaking in the past tense, which I have to be honest, seems to be much easier than speaking in the present tense. Then again it all seems relatively easy at first until my mind draws a blank the size of a highway billboard. Anyway, back to the past tense, I was describing some major milestones in my life from my birth (which is obviously huge, because everyone I know was blessed with ME that day, hahaha) through graduating high school and moving to Vermont for college and then moving South again to Massachusetts – it was at this point things became interesting. As I made a pretty big career change leaving behind the days of Miss.Caisse and lesson plans and delightful bundles of germy joy trying to cut my hair to the offices of Alstom, where I was no longer Miss.Caisse but seemed to be surrounded by bigger bundles of germy joys, luckily these ones refrained from the hair cutting and we could enjoy the occasional beer at lunch together. Now I am on a roll at this point – Je suis arrivé Chez Alstom dans 2007 …. FULL STOP because now my teacher is looking at me like I have cinq têtes (5 heads) or something. Switching to English – which is RARE in my lessons, she starts firing off questions about whether or not I have a diploma and if I did how could I just go from being an institutrice (teacher) to working at Alstom. At first I was completely thrown off and wondering well why couldn’t I do that, until she explained that here in France that is almost impossible to make that kind of career change. She went on to describe that once you have chosen your field or career you are almost stuck in that box and unless you go back to school to obtain another degree in another field then you are what you chose to be at the time you went to school….. now I was the one looking at her like she had cinq têtes because that would just not fly in the US. Then I began to think about having to really chose exactly what I want to be when I grow up (ask me now and I still can’t answer you) and then being stuck with it!!?!?!?!?!??! How many people do you know that have changed career paths, once, twice or maybe even three or four times?? I can name a few including about half of my graduating college class. My career change has turned out to be one of the best choices I have made in my 27 years, not that I didn’t enjoy teaching, but it just wasn’t the right time or place for me to be focusing my energy. Maybe someday I will go back to it but until then I plan on sticking around and doing what I am doing for quite sometime*.
*DISCLAIMER – Unless I win BIG in the lottery and in that case, the above entry cannot be held against me. Same goes for any of my friends that win BIG in the lottery and want to share the wealth or need an awesome Personal Assistant: )
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Matelas Gonflable
I made my first French purchase on-line. Now this doesn't seem like a big deal BUT when everything on the website is in French and everything in the check-out is in French it is a bigger accomplishment then one would think. I will be having some visitors next week a little couple I like to call Ma and Pa - woohoo - and after thinking about how heavy carrying an air mattress over here via luggage and a plane, I decided to take matters into my own hands. After a little direction on where to look on-line (Thanks Michael!!) and a few conversions from centimeters to inches and using my notes from my cours de francais (ok.. maybe I used Google Translate once OR twice too, but there are just some words I have not yet been introduced to!!) I made the purchase. When I arrived home today there was a lovely box waiting for me in my flat. We Have Success.... so now the test will be to make sure it inflates and really can fit two people - or I guess I am giving up my bed next week ....
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Jet Lag
Made a super quick trip back to the states last week. I mean really quick about three days - so quick in fact I thought I was really going to make it without screwing up my sleep schedule too much. But as I lay here almost hungry for dinner again - I think I was wrong!!!!! It was nice to head home although I definitely did not get to fit everyone that I very much wanted to see in. Unfortunately I missed almost all of the beautiful leaves, from what I could tell all of the bright red and gold colors were piled up on the ground waiting for the mass of rakes to attack!! But the weather was lovely which was a very refreshing break from the sogginess of the city for the last week or so. Even though I missed the leaves, I was able to pull off my first successful surprise attack on one of my very favorite lovely ladies and spend some quality time with ALL of my parents and my little brother, who well isn't really very little anymore. To make it even more enjoyable, I ate every single thing I had been craving for the last three months, even when I wasn't hungry and........ to top it off a quick visit from the bestie before hoping back on a plane to Paris. So even though I am laying here WIDE awake it really was well worth it to see some pretty and very familiar faces.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Ever tried eating a sandwich with gloves on and carrying an umbrella all at the same time while walking on cobblestone streets?? Well if you are looking for an adventure I dare you!!
From the moment I arrived here I have loved being able to walk anywhere and everywhere I want to. It's funny how much my walking speed has increased over the last three days of straight rain and wind. Yesterday I actually broke down and pulled out the hats and mittens. I know it maybe a bit early but when your only source of warmth is once you get into the Metro - and yes for once since I have been here am I happy to get on to a warm metro car - you need to be seriously bundled up out there. Maybe that sounds whiny for a New England girl but I swear your blood adjusts easily!!!!
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It's the Real Feel Temp that will get you every time..... |
Labels: metro, new england, rain, umbrella, walking
Monday, November 8, 2010
This is exactly how I feel:
“Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens.” Sex and the City
And I think that is just what I will do.
It's crazy how sometimes you think you have it all figured out and have this perfect precise plan and then one bump can make you take a long hard look at it all. It could be a bad bump, good bump, big bump or a teeny tiny one but sometimes that is all you need to stop trying to figure it out and enjoy everything you have.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Falafel for Everyone
I had never had falafel prior to my stay in Paris and I can honestly say now that it just maybe one of my most favorite foods ever now. I know that is a bold statement but maybe I have been spoiled by the most delish falafel place ever... L'as de Falafel. This little place is located in the Marais ( a great place to find Jewish bakeries, lots of little shops and very cool and confusing side streets) and people actually line up outside the street to eat there. While you wait in line you can check out the pictures of Lenny Kravitz - apparently a regular whenever he is in the city. Today I ventured there for a pre-movie lunch and despite the POURING rain and chilly temperatures there was a sea of umbrellas waiting to be seated in the packed to the brim restaurant. Even thought my toes were soggy (I solved this problem by purchasing wool socks after lunch) the wait was beyond worth it. I left with one happy belly!!!
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Yeah ... you know you want some. SO GOOD. |
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Trick or Treat
Ahhhhh... what a lovely feeling when Sunday rolls around and you don't have to start to prepare to go back to work the next day... three day weekends are just necessary sometimes. This one works out especially well because Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year and I was lucky enough to be invited to a little costume shindig this fine evening. Making Nov 1 the best day to have off!! Halloween here in Paris isn't nearly the occasion it is at home in the US. So I am VERY interested to see what kind of people - if I see any- are walking around dressed up tonight in the city. I have to say that the advertising for Halloween is pretty non-existent here. There are no monstrous displays of candy bars and candy corn in the stores when you walk in and from the bit of research I did there are approximately 3 stores in Paris that sell costumes. I took advantage of this knowledge to help create my own costume and tracked one of these stores. The store wasn't hard to find once I was in the right area- the crazy masks covering all the windows and the flashing lights were the clue - then I saw the line of of people which was out the store and down the street. I didn't have many options though so I waited. When I went inside I think I experienced my first true feeling of claustrophobia. There are days when I though the Metro was bad this was like shoving 50 people into my closet and then surrounding them with creepy masks and fake blood. I don't think I have ever made a choice on a costume so quickly in my entire life- actually scratch that - I don't think I have ever made any choice that quickly in my entire life. I am now the proud owner of my very own "Le Petit Chaperon Rouge" - I will save you from going to Google Translate and tell you what it means - Little Red Riding Hood. Should be good times. With all of that said - it is time for me to get my things in order and get ready to head out. Before the costume party I'll be decorating creepy cupcakes and making popcorn balls with my girlfriend and her kiddos. Pictures and details of how the first Halloween in Paris played out to come soon.....
Happy Halloween Everyone ...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I was browsing a few news outlets on-line today looking for some new info about the strikes - that we are lucky enough to still be having here in France, but, instead came up with a little tid bit of history I happened to find quite interesting. Today marks an anniversary that I (now) have two connections too:
On October 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people of France, was dedicated in New York harbor by President Grover Cleveland.
This inspired me to do a bit more research... go ahead... read on and be enlightened.
The statue was originally known as "Liberty Enlightening the World" and was a gift from France to American in honor of their friendship and alliance during the American Revolution. The statue stands approximately 151 feet tall and was designed by a French sculptor, Frederic- Auguste Bartholdi. Now I am not sure what else this man was responsible for sculpting in his life time but I am fairly sure that if you Google his name this green lady would be the most well known..... Back to Miss. Liberty - the statue was delivered in 1885 to New York dismantled and package in about 200 different boxes. It was reassembled ( did you know that Lady Liberty is made of copper sheets?? Now you do!!!! ) on a cornerstone in the harbor and during the dedication ceremony (given by then President Cleveland) the last bolt was put in place. For the next 32 years the statue was the first sight of "home" to over 12 million immigrants as they entered the United States.
So today not only marks the anniversary of a very familiar landmark but it marks the 7th day of strikes in the last month. You learn something new everyday!!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Do you have a permit for those pants?
Someone (who may even be reading this right now) shared this interesting little tid bit with me last week:
Even a week later I still wonder what would happen if they started to enforce this law throughout the city. I know there are lots of really random old laws that still exist out there .... for example ....
In Athens, Greece, a driver's license can be taken away if the driver is thought to be either "poorly dressed" or "unbathed... In Florida it is illegal to fart in a public place after 6PM on Thursdays... In Switzerland it is illegal for a man to relieve himself standing up after 10PM... In Massachusetts it is illegal for a woman to be on top during sexual activity and it is illegal to go to bed without first having a bath... In the UK ith the exception of carrots, most goods may not be sold on Sunday... But back to the pants.
I found this law particularly interesting - in the months before I moved over to Paris I stressed on an almost daily basis on what I was going to pack for clothing, what was ok to wear, what was stylish enough, what was too "American" and what was just plain old not allowed in Paris... In all of my Google searches about fashion and what was hot at the time (the time being almost 5 months ago.. can you believe that one... because it feels like yesterday. TANGENT.. oops) this law never popped up.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Two New Strikes....
In case you haven't been watching the news for the last two weeks, France is STILL striking against pension reform and the retirement age (which I have to be honest even at 62 - is still not a bad deal...). Air travel has been disrupted, train travel stopped and started, the metros have been crowded and then back to normal again and there have even been riots and police involvement needed to control some areas. It was just announced that there will be two more official strike days added in the coming two weeks. Which means that the trains that had gone back to normal, the gas stations that reopened and the flights that should fly on 28 October and 6 November - well most likely won't be. I find all these strikes VERY intriguing mostly because I have never really seen a strike until I moved to Paris and for the last two months I have been surrounded by them. The high schools are the most interesting for me. They students don't go to class because they are demonstrating, yet they still go to the school to stand in front of it and yell and smoke cigarettes. As I passed by two weeks ago there were actual police men in riot gear lined up along the entrance of the school and these kids were really rowdy. To the point I was almost nervous to walk through them. Lucky for me the fire station and the firemen are across the street, so switching sides is not an issue ; ) Back to striking students.... If it were me - I would be supporting the strikes by refusing to even wake up, leave my bed and go to the school... I am a firm believer in mental support... hahaha. Really thought - I have been doing some reading on these strikes and many of the younger generations are nervous by increasing the retirement age they will not be able to find jobs once they finish school. It's a new thing to see people really stand up for what they think is right and not be afraid to show it.... Something I am not sure I would have thought about at 16 years old in high school.......
Vote fuels bitter French divisions as final, largest strikes loom
Schoolgirl at the Balzac Lycée in Tours. Hoping to read history and politics at Sciences Po in Paris
Electrical technician
Former medical secretary, now a union official
No gas?? Would have been the title if I published this on Friday like I planned!!
Headed back to Paris today and I can't wait to get home, sleep in my bed and eat nothing but vegetables for days to counteract my carb overdose the last 6 days. Now the question is will there be a taxi waiting with a full tank of gas waiting for me?!?!
And again - this has been published a few days late... my internet connection in Italy was less than stellar and so my blog updates are far far behind....
So a little update. I am home sweet home in the City of Lights and SO HAPPY to be here. My bed is amazing. That is the bottom line. It is so amazing in fact I have spent most of today in my bed reading and just enjoying the wonderfulness of being home. Which brings up a new point - my apartment here in Paris actually feels a bit like home now. I am super excited to come to it after a trip and everything is starting to just feel familiar. Which I am really enjoying. I think a few more personal touches are all it needs!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Pizza and Pasta and Tiramisu ... Oh my.....
I am officially on CARBOHYDRATE OVERLOAD. Seriously I have NEVER in my life eaten so much bread, pasta, pizza and dessert. It is unreal. I feel like I need to take a nap after every meal and I have officially quit elevators and will only take the stairs in fear that when I get home my pants will no longer fit the way they should.... which really gives me a great reason to shop more, but I don't really need to be doing that either!! Unfortunately I have not been able to actually see much of the city, as I am here for work first and play second. After the work day is finished it is already dark and most places close here between 7 and 7:30... so the few quick walks I have been able to take in the evening have been nice, but not enough to really take in the landscape. I get the feeling there is more to this place than I could really give it credit for at this point...... keeping that in mind if you are in the mood to eat - this is a great place to do it. Fresh pasta is just amazing and I am not sure pizza will ever be the same for me. Oh and the fresh parma cheeeeeeeeese... WOW!!!!! I have my fingers crossed that tomorrow in the duty free shop I can grab up a nice wheel of Parmigiana cheese...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pumpkin Festival
DISCLAIMER: I am writing this while waiting for my plane to take off. So any typos are the fault of my fat fingers on the little iPhone keys!!
With that said I probably have no right to complain as I sit in a plane to Italy but I'm so sad about having to miss the annual Pumpkin Festival at home this year!! To me the Pumpkin Fest is the true sign that fall has begun and just such a reminder of why I love New England. To those of you who aren't familiar the Keene, NH Pumpkin Fest has been an annual occurrence for the last 20 years. The city center (which sounds funny now that I live in a "real" city) is shut down to traffic and is transformed into a gallery of creatively carved pumpkins!! For many years Keene actually held the World Record for the most lit Jack-O-Lanterns. Jumping from 600 carved pumpkins in 1991 to a record high of 29,762 pumpkins in 2009 the festival attracts people from all over. I am fairly sure that we are no longer the proud owners of the World Record, as places like Boston have also started a Pumpkin Fest, BUT we still carry on with the Pumpkin Fest spirit. Now I have never been a very talented pumpkin carver, sometimes just scooping the guts from the pumpkin really is enough for me but when you are surrounded by friends and family with drinks and food, it really creates an atmosphere you just can't beat. I suppose this year I will live vicariously through photos and friends and Facebook as it is time to take off to Italy!!
PS. I published this post a few days after I wrote it as the Air France flight attendant reminded me that it was time to shut down all electronics... so I was able to add some pictures from past Pumpkin Festivals!!
Labels: home, new england, pumpkin
Friday, October 15, 2010
Poulet Rôti
I did it. I finally after almost 5 months here have given in and bought myself one of the most delectable smelling roasted chickens ever. A full report on the tastiness will be coming soon. I really hope its amazing because I have been building it up in my head since I arrived!!!
No lie that was the best chicken I have ever placed in my mouth. It was still warm when I brought it home and it practically fell off the bone. I am not sure I will ever cook chicken at home again when I can walk to the butcher and purchase a juicy already prepared chicken for practically the same price. YUM!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Quick Recap....
Ok so to recap because it has been far too long please find below a short outline of my last 10 days or so.
- A big project we were working on (at work - two works that close sounds funny but just to clarify where I was working!!) was launched and overall I have to say I think everyone's hard work has really paid off and it has been a great thing to watch the process play out.
- I spent my first weekend in Switzerland before heading off to an event in Germany. I saw the Alps, leaves changing colors, ate a delish sausage - which they serve to you separate from the bread, the sausage wrapped in paper and it was AWESOME, and wandered through Old Town Zurich and finished the weekend with some cheesy fondue!!
- Drank my first Oktoberfest beer - while in Switzerland still but the Oktoberfest set-up they had was pretty awesome. Crazy German band, a pretzel the size of my head and them some and lots of dancing on table benches. Good times had by all
- I was able to enjoy a piece of Black Forest chocolate cake and Black Forest Ham straight from the Black Forest - both also fantastic. I spent a week in Black Forest for an event and it also helped knock off a bit of the homesicknesses. It was really great to experience a little piece of fall even though I missed all the fall time things at home - especially the pumpkin beer and apple picking. The Black Forest was really gorgeous and good fun. I saw my second German Band of the week and this time when they began to play " Sweet Caroline" I knew what to expect!
- Spent two hours in a cab on the way home from the airport and was entertained by a crazy cab driver that offered me a lukewarm Sprite, forced me to practice speaking French and sang along to Aretha Franklin, Michael Jackson and the Steve Miller Band.
- Was enlightened to the fact that during the Strike tomorrow (yes, another one...) even some of the bike rental stations will be on Strike. You see Paris has these bike stations with bikes ,you can rent, using your Navigo pass called Velib's. No one works there you simply swipe your pass at a bike machine and it automatically unlocks and Voila - the bike is yours to cruise around the city and you can drop it off at any other station. Now let's not forget that the reason for these strikes is because they want to increase the retirement age two years to sixty-two ... last time I checked un-manned bikes don't get to retire and I am pretty sure they won't last until they are sixty-two!!!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A short hiatus.
I just realized how long it's been since I have written. Over the last two weeks there has been sooooooo much to share too!! I just returned back from a trip to the Black Forest in Germany with a short stopover in Zurich. So once I am unpacked and settled back in I will have plenty of interesting little nuggets of info to share.....
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Snip. Snip.
Yesterday I experienced my first French haircut. If I wasn't typing this on the metro I would look up the French word for hairdresser but I'm working with limited resources. I have been complaining about how long my bangs are for a week so finally my girlfriend told me we are solving the problem. We took the line 1 train all the way to the end and went to her hairdresser in a cute little town called Vincennes. Before we entered the salon she looked right at me and said, "Don't worry this will seem a little crazy but just trust me!" Thinking it couldn't really that bad I didn't think much of the comment until we walked in and I saw the salon. It was cute and simple and honestly could have used some updating but hey who am I to judge?? We were greeted by a receptionist who was sweet and went right back to get the owner. When she walked out I knew exactly why I was warned. Here comes this little old Japaneese woman who is probably in her late fifties, wearing rollers in her purple streaked hair, a gray sweater with holes all throughout the back of it, flowered pants and slippers. I tried to hold back my WTF face and just stood in shock as my friend translated for me. After a quick wash in the bright yellow sink I was lead to the cutting chair and handed a cup of homemade Ginger tea - which was delicious. Before my friend even finished explaining what I wanted done the scissors were flying!! I just sort of sat and tried to keep a straight face at this point. As she cut she started asking questions half in English and half in French -but only after she complimented me on my looks, which was incredibly kind until she asked if I had had any work done. Ha ha. I responded to her not yet ; ) the conversation continued on and at this point I was so enthralled with the conversation I was able to not pay attention to he razor she was taking to my bangs. By the time I looked up again she was working on drying my hair which was still combed over my eyes. Once she finished drying and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I have to be honest it was the best hair cut I have ever had. Sculpted perfectly around my face with some fringe like bangs over my eyes!! But wait we weren't done yet. She took two hair dryers in one hand and started blowing them directly on my back - thought she was blowing the hair off but it turns out after she chops your hair she gives you a fantastic massage to finish out the experience. No complaint there!! I'll take a massage any day of the week. I walked over to put my jacket on and pay but she stoped me and posed me to take a picture. So now, as all of her other clients are , I am posted up on the wall of the salon for all to see!! As interesting as this was I will most definitely be returning!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
The weekend is here!! WOOOOT WOOOOOT!! This week at work has been one of the most intense and challenging weeks I have ever experienced in my entire work life to this point. So Friday night feels right around a million bucks at this point. We have been working incredibly hard to launch a new project in the office and today was sort of the icing on the cake. Things are in order, the big go's have been given and it feels like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders, well not just mine because I have been working very closely with some amazing people so I am hoping they feel the same. Although the project has been launched we will all still have a big challenge to make it as successful as everyone hopes and wants it to be but our first milestone has truly been accomplished. To top it off we all stopped at the "watering hole" next to the office on the way to the Metro. It felt unbelievably good to sit with the people I have been working nonstop with to make all of this happen. I think the past few weeks have been so interesting, we have all been angry, excited, stressed, frustrated, happy and relieved on more than one occasion and I think that we have truly become the definition of team work. So a nice cold "sante" at the end of the day was just what everyone needed. As I was sitting there sipping my mojito I started to think about about how far I have come since I have been here. Not only have I been pushed to new limits and faced with assignments I never thought I would even be a part of I have made some really great friends. Tonight - after I indulge in my blue box Kraft goodness- I will go to bed happy and comfortable here....
AND to top it off, I had some incredibly gorgeous flowers waiting for me when I walked through the door. Sometimes it really is the little things : )
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
And Another.......
I was warned that France had many strikes but honestly I didn't think it would be this many!! Tomorrow is ANOTHER nationwide strike - based on the new reform for retirement. They want to change the age from 60-62... still not bad at all compared to the US. ON my way into the office this morning a nice man handed me a pink sheet letting me know all the times I could go join other upset workers to protest working until I am 62. People here will actually walk out from what I am told... this should be interesting. Anyway - I am going to post everytime there is a strike so that I can go back and count once my time here is finished!!
France: Severe disruptions on September 23 strike
On Thursday, September 23th, transports across France will be disrupted by a nationwide strike over pension reform.
According to the SNCF (the French rail operator) half of TGV and TER trains will be on service, while two Transilien trains out of five will run. One Corail train out of four will run during the day. The strike will also impact international travel. Only 50% of the trains to Germany will run, while Lyria (trains to Swiss) will offer between 70% and 80% service. Nine Thalys trains out of ten will run, but Eurostar service will be regular. SNCF announced the strike would begin at 7 p.m. on September 22nd and finish on September 24th at 8 a.m.
In Paris, subway lines 2, 3, 3 bis, 5, 7, 7 bis, 8, 9 and 12 will be heavily impacted with only 50% of the trains on service. On the Regional Express Network (RER), line B will be severely disrupted with only one train out of five available, while RER A will offer 50 percent service. Bus and tram services will also experience minor disruptions. Two trains out of five will run on RER lines C, D and E.
As air traffic controllers will also join the strike, around 40% of domestic flights will be disrupted. International flights might also experience delays.
Furthermore, rallies are planned in French main cities on September 23rd.
For further information please visit:
SNCF: http://www.infolignes.com/?rfrr=messageMaintenance_body_SNCF%20Direct or call at 0805 90 36 35 or 3635
RATP: http://www.ratp.fr/
Monday, September 20, 2010
Ding Dong.
I was introduced to one of my neighbors tonight. I was cooking dinner (and I won't lie singing quite loud to some music I will leave nameless in this post) when I heard the doorbell - which I really didn't even know that I had! Thinking my sing along may have gotten out of control, I quickly shut off my music and slowly cracked open the door. There was a man who introduced himself and let me know he was going out of town for a month for work and had a bunch of vegetables, juice and a few other groceries that he really didn't want to see go bad so would I want them?? Taken a back by a few reasons - the first being he mentioned nothing about my vocal escapade or my super stylish Victoria Secret pj pants and I am 99% sure that no one at home would go to a neighbors door and offer up perfectly good groceries because they were leaving on business. I graciously took a few things thinking it would save me a trip to Monoprix tomorrow and thanked him. After a few minutes of small talk he excused himself to go pack and we both went on our way. At first I didn't think much of it but now that it has sunk in I really wonder if that would ever happen back in the States......
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Finally about to give myself time to catch up on the last two weeks. It has been a crazy mix of working and visiting with friends. As nice as it is to have company and familiar faces it is tough to be so out of routine. In the last two weeks, I have done so many things I have never done here before and spent time in a new country. Between exploring new restaurants and trying some new French food - it was some sort of Duck that kind of looked like cat food - it tasted much better than it sounds, making sure my dumb ankle didn't twist again, taking a boat ride up and down the Seine, seeing my first French concert at my first French club and jetting off to Spain for a long weekend, I have barely had time to sleep and catch up on normal things for awhile. So today on this fantastic fall-like Sunday I am going to review all my new pictures, catch up around my apartment and take a break to start a new book... maybe even in the park down the street!! Then if I am feeling REALLY up to it I will try out the new S'mores maker machine that some of my friends form home sent me for my birthday.... don't worry I'll keep you posted on that one.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I have never received so many emails at once in my entire life. Well maybe for my birthday but that doesn't count. Apparently there was some big evacuation at the Eiffel Tower tonight due to a bomb threat. No worries I am home safe and sound basking in the glory of a full belly from the most amazing pizza I have ever eaten in my life
tonight. Back to the bomb threat in a minute .... after an amazing week with Ashlee - details and photos to come - and a long day at work, I wanted nothing to do with cooking tonight. So I rounded up my girlfriend and convinced her to join me for something easy and relaxing. Over hearing my need for something tasty a pizza place was recommended that is not so far from my apartment. It is actually in the Red Light District - the pizza place, NOT my apartment. So tucked away between sex shops and the Moulin Rouge is a place called, "Da Carmine". The owner is a cute little Italian man who brings you a glass of wine if you have to wait, kisses everyone on the cheeks- goodbye and takes your cash at the register with a shot of grappa. Delightful. Not to mention the pizza was unreal. The combinations of flavors was really unique and everything that everyone had around me looked just as mouthwatering as my pizza. Which was a great mix of grilled veggies, italian ham, rocket lettuce, two types of mozzarella - one of which was baked into the crust and freshly shaved parmesan cheese!!!! DELISH. So if any of you are ever in the area - I would without a doubt recommend this little gem.
As for the bomb scare - I am not close to the Tower and had no immediate plans to visit it this evening, so no problems over here. I can't even imagine the chaos that is going on down there trying to get everyone out of the area and at a safe distance. I have to be honest the tower is always quite packed with people. But I guess that is why they have big guys with machine guns always patrolling.