I am officially on CARBOHYDRATE OVERLOAD. Seriously I have NEVER in my life eaten so much bread, pasta, pizza and dessert. It is unreal. I feel like I need to take a nap after every meal and I have officially quit elevators and will only take the stairs in fear that when I get home my pants will no longer fit the way they should.... which really gives me a great reason to shop more, but I don't really need to be doing that either!! Unfortunately I have not been able to actually see much of the city, as I am here for work first and play second. After the work day is finished it is already dark and most places close here between 7 and 7:30... so the few quick walks I have been able to take in the evening have been nice, but not enough to really take in the landscape. I get the feeling there is more to this place than I could really give it credit for at this point...... keeping that in mind if you are in the mood to eat - this is a great place to do it. Fresh pasta is just amazing and I am not sure pizza will ever be the same for me. Oh and the fresh parma cheeeeeeeeese... WOW!!!!! I have my fingers crossed that tomorrow in the duty free shop I can grab up a nice wheel of Parmigiana cheese...
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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