I just realized almost an entire week has passed and I haven't updated a thing. I don't know if it is because I am getting older, am living in another country and am always on the go, or if I just never noticed it before but time is just flying by me. It is like they strapped the days on a TGV and then shot if off on a rocket ship. Seriously though - it has been almost 7 MONTHS since I arrived here in Paris and I look back and wonder, if those months went by so quickly are the rest of the months I have in front of me going to go even faster?? Eeeeek. I hope not because I am not ready for that at all. Or maybe time just feels especially fast over the last week since it has been so jam packed. Now that I think about it, it has been packed to the brim!! I gave my first speech - in front of people, not just at my reflection in the mirror, in French last week. Which was an incredible feeling, mostly because I was so nervous I hardly remember speaking and the rush after was almost exhausting. I co-hosted the first Alstom University AUtube Awards show, our very own, Oscar themed evening full of stars. Which I thought I would be just as nervous for but really actually had one of the best times ever on stage. It helps my co-host is a pro at this kind of stuff ; ) AND I have been running around trying to get my life in order because in 6 days I am flying off back to the US, for my favorite holiday season (aside from my birthday and yes that is a holiday) to see my family and bestest friends ever. So maybe at least for tonight I will blame time taking off on all of the above mentioned.
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1 day ago
We are all so proud of you Heather and your French speech was perfect. Nobody could tell you were nervous and you really touched Patricia with the efforts. As for co-hosting the awards, I thought I was the co-host. You're a PRO!
cant wait for you to be home!!!
im not anonymous anymore!!!
Congratulations Heather, one of your friends left a comment. Cherish this person!
Thanks Michael :))) Wheel of Fortune here I come.
As for my new commenting friend - it's my sister!!
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