I think I have mentioned previously that the lunch conversation here always manage to revolve around really interesting and usually non-work related topics. Not that we don't like talking about work but I have found that at lunch here people actually take a rest from the day to day and give themselves a true break. Recently the following topic has come up multiple times with multiple people and so I feel it's time to share the research I have done on this. I know this has been a burning question for many of you but it's true French animals make different sounds then US animals. Ok maybe it isn't a burning question and well actually it probably seems silly and I am sure you are scratching your head thinking, "What on earth and how does this topic even come up once, never mind multiple times?!?! " So I will tell you....even though I am studying and practicing incredibly hard to learn the language occasionally words will pop up I don't know and I will need a translation. In the case of a menu translation sometimes it is just easier to imitate what sound or action the animal made (before it became my potential entree). Or in my Mom's case (love you Mom) it's an easier way to describe the dish you want for dinner (even though we now know French ducks say Coin and not Quack...) So I have compiled a list to compare the sounds that French and US animals make. I though this would take me forever but you would be surprised by the amount of info you can find by googling animal noises!!
You may find it interesting to know that bee’s are the only bug/animal that won’t need to take lessons to communicate with their relatives overseas.
Chicken Lo Mein
1 day ago
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