Sunday, October 24, 2010

No gas?? Would have been the title if I published this on Friday like I planned!!

Headed back to Paris today and I can't wait to get home, sleep in my bed and eat nothing but vegetables for days to counteract my carb overdose the last 6 days. Now the question is will there be a taxi waiting with a full tank of gas waiting for me?!?!

And again - this has been published a few days late... my internet connection in Italy was less than stellar and so my blog updates are far far behind....

So a little update. I am home sweet home in the City of Lights and SO HAPPY to be here. My bed is amazing. That is the bottom line. It is so amazing in fact I have spent most of today in my bed reading and just enjoying the wonderfulness of being home. Which brings up a new point - my apartment here in Paris actually feels a bit like home now. I am super excited to come to it  after a trip and everything is starting to just feel familiar. Which I am really enjoying. I think a few more personal touches are all it needs!!!