Ahhhhh... what a lovely feeling when Sunday rolls around and you don't have to start to prepare to go back to work the next day... three day weekends are just necessary sometimes. This one works out especially well because Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year and I was lucky enough to be invited to a little costume shindig this fine evening. Making Nov 1 the best day to have off!! Halloween here in Paris isn't nearly the occasion it is at home in the US. So I am VERY interested to see what kind of people - if I see any- are walking around dressed up tonight in the city. I have to say that the advertising for Halloween is pretty non-existent here. There are no monstrous displays of candy bars and candy corn in the stores when you walk in and from the bit of research I did there are approximately 3 stores in Paris that sell costumes. I took advantage of this knowledge to help create my own costume and tracked one of these stores. The store wasn't hard to find once I was in the right area- the crazy masks covering all the windows and the flashing lights were the clue - then I saw the line of of people which was out the store and down the street. I didn't have many options though so I waited. When I went inside I think I experienced my first true feeling of claustrophobia. There are days when I though the Metro was bad this was like shoving 50 people into my closet and then surrounding them with creepy masks and fake blood. I don't think I have ever made a choice on a costume so quickly in my entire life- actually scratch that - I don't think I have ever made any choice that quickly in my entire life. I am now the proud owner of my very own "Le Petit Chaperon Rouge" - I will save you from going to Google Translate and tell you what it means - Little Red Riding Hood. Should be good times. With all of that said - it is time for me to get my things in order and get ready to head out. Before the costume party I'll be decorating creepy cupcakes and making popcorn balls with my girlfriend and her kiddos. Pictures and details of how the first Halloween in Paris played out to come soon.....
Happy Halloween Everyone ...
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1 day ago
I just ate all the candy that was intended for the kids. I hate it when that happens.
I'm sure you were near my house Heather. There are 2 of these stores on rue du Faubourg Montmartre. I always ask myself when I see the line, "Self, don't these people know that Halloween is the same day every year and that this shop is open all year 'round?". By the way, "self" always replies the same way... "Pfffff"
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