Today marks 6 months since I have live in Paris and I have to be honest - time is flying by. It really seems like just yesterday I was trying to convince myself to go into the Monoprix at the end of the street so I would actually have some food to eat in my apartment. Now I practically own that place... ok that MAY BE a bit of an exaggeration but the fear is definitely gone. Recently I have even tried to speak back to the cashiers in French. It's not pretty but everyone keeps telling me it will be the only way that I learn, so I am running with it. Over the last few months I have experienced so many changes and adventures since I have been here I don't even know where to start in summarizing them. All I know is that I plan on enjoying the next 6 months and all of the months that follow even more than I enjoyed the first 6.
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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