I made my first French purchase on-line. Now this doesn't seem like a big deal BUT when everything on the website is in French and everything in the check-out is in French it is a bigger accomplishment then one would think. I will be having some visitors next week a little couple I like to call Ma and Pa - woohoo - and after thinking about how heavy carrying an air mattress over here via luggage and a plane, I decided to take matters into my own hands. After a little direction on where to look on-line (Thanks Michael!!) and a few conversions from centimeters to inches and using my notes from my cours de francais (ok.. maybe I used Google Translate once OR twice too, but there are just some words I have not yet been introduced to!!) I made the purchase. When I arrived home today there was a lovely box waiting for me in my flat. We Have Success.... so now the test will be to make sure it inflates and really can fit two people - or I guess I am giving up my bed next week ....
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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