Sunday, July 31, 2011


Well it seems the pilot unions are on strike again and unfortunately (well actually fortunately) I am being affected by this little demonstration. After spending hours on the phone this morning with Air France trying to find a flight that didn't force the PIC and I to have multiple layovers (keep in mind this is an hour flight from Marseille to Paris) it seems that getting back to Paris tonight is simply not an option. So rolling with the punches like we normally do we sucked it up, paid for an extra night at our hotel (which is fantastic by the way) and strolled through the harbour side market until the ferry was ready to take us back to the rocky beaches on the Ile de Ratonneau. Where we have been forced to eat hot dogs, soak up the sun and float in the salty water... Yes I know - life is tough but sometimes you have to deal with the cards you've been dealt ;)