Ok. So... There are way too many things wrong with this picture. FYI to those of you wondering what the on earth this is a picture of - it's a portable air conditioner dangling Chuck Norris style from a building I walk by everyday on my way to (and from) the office...
Back to all the things wrong... Let me just name a few:
1. We will start with the obvious.... Hanging big and presumably heavy objects out of third floor window is just no ok. I think it's safe to say this is beyond a safety hazard.
2. Summer is on strike here in Paris. I won't lie I think I have worn a jacket more in July and so far this month than I did for all of last fall. It's grey and rainy and the last few days Mr. Wind decided to join the party so why on earth an air conditioner is hanging out of a window is seriously beyond me.
3. Ok I know I said summer was on strike but the humidity doesn't ever quit here (awesome for the hair.. HA NOT!!) so pumping cold air and having the window wide open... Yup. Pointless.
4. On the same note even if it was hot how is having the window open helping to keep the cold air that is blowing from the machine IN the building?!?!
5. I think I'll end the list here because well honestly I have spent way too much time today trying to rationalise this mystery.... Who carried this thing from their house or the store I suppose, on the metro, up the stairs and then proceeded to shove that thing out a window that only opens partially??
Thoughts? Answers? Anything...
I guess from now on I need to keep a closer eye on what exactly is hanging above my head as I mosey down the street...
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