Saturday, July 9, 2011

To shop or not to shop... that is the question...

It is a cool, grey day here in the city and I have already taken great advantage of the fact the sun is not shining by staying tucked up in bed for quite awhile longer than I normally would once my eyes pop open in the morning. But since I have been up and roaming around, sipping coffee (CONFESSION: I have started using instant Nescafe coffee because even after a year of experimenting with the espresso maker in my flat, I am continue to be the WORST coffee maker EVER), munching on some breakfast I can't help but think about the Soldes. It is that time of year again one of the two big SALES of the year. I will be honest, I have held off even going into a store since they began, knowing that the damage could be quite significant. But I am not sure I can control the urge any longer... so the question remains .. shop and fight the Saturday crowds or remain cozied up in my apartment saving all that hard earned money in my little French bank account???? 

Want to learn how to work the sales?? CLICK ME!!!