Well since the sun that normally resides over Paris has apparently up and left for summer holiday, like the rest of the city, I have decided to take matters into my own hands. On a last minute whim and in serious need of some vitamin d in my life the PIC (partner in crime - it has been awhile since my last post so I figure a reminder might be necessary) and I booked a last minute trip to Marseille leaving tomorrow evening and returning Sunday night. Go ahead take a little peek at the forecast ... No complaints there at all!! No I am not crazy the temperature is in celcius so you have to do a quick conversion. Someone taught me this trick awhile ago and although it not exactly the conversion it should get you within a few degrees. Take the temp in celcius multiple by two ( or add it to itself whatever explanation you find easiest) and then add 32. See easy peasy!!! So with that we are looking at a weekend staying in the high 80's. There is actually a chance I won't return from this trip and will stay baking in the sun for the rest of the summer...,
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