It has been awhile again… I really have to cut down on these hiatus periods. It isn’t like nothing happens, its just that I can’t seem to A. Keep my eyes open when I am finished to write about it, B.Take a ten minute break in front of my computer to write enough to give whatever it is I am writing about justice, or C.I just don’t stop… ever… that is what it really feels like lately. Wow actually as I am writing this I can’t even remember the last juicy Parisian details I shared… and let me tell you what the last 2 weeks have been JAM-packed. I have done everything from go to a rugby game at the Stade de France, make it up to the 2nd level of the Eiffel Tower (finally- 11 months later), fly to the states on an American airline (I will admit, I am a snob, I fly Air France and I love the free champagne and wine, it truly helps my sleep for the 7 hours) met a whole new side of my crazy family, got my butt kicked in a few hands of Pitch (a sweet card game you play in teams and try to collect points, I used to be the master champ.. it has been awhile), met two angelic little babies and was able to spend time with some of my best friends and enjoy all the baby babble, took square dancing lessons (not so much a champ at that) and celebrated 10 years of friendship with my love Miss. Ashlee Carter, had a mini family photo session after a lovely Easter breakfast, and upon my return to this lovely ville I ate Pakistani, Lebanese and Moroccan in a three day period, said good bye and good luck to my boss, mentor and friend (while eating Moroccan), baked chocolate chip cookies for the first time since my arrival and had a lovely picnic with two of the most amazing kids I have ever met. PHEW – I am tired just from typing that… I think a photo review post is in need to help document all of these delightful things ….
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
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