There is no way I can recap this past weekend in this blog post, for multiple reasons… I am currently trying to recap it all in my head still, some stories will never be retold and well words probably won’t be able to give it justice. What I can recap is that from about 6pm on Friday until this morning it was just non-stop. I think a list is the best way to share some of the experiences with everyone.
1. Mojitos on the terrace to start a weekend always are a good idea
2. Incredibly hot man followed my partner in crime and myself on our way to the metro to ask “ If we would take a glass with him…” a glass means have a drink
3. Getting stuck in the turnstile of the Metro because I forgot my pass and was trying to sneak through with the PIC (partner in crime) until she got stuck and the guy behind us had to try and let all three of us through at the same time. Resulting in us getting through and him only making it half way through… laughed so had I cried.
4. Flaming shots - literally they were on fire
5. Seeing a Bulgarian give PIC a great rendition of a lap dance
6. Having dinner with a group of 10 people I had just met and laughing so hard I cried – once again , while PIC went back to meet super hot “take a drink with me” man for a drink
7. Stumbling to another bar after dinner for a night cap only to almost get in a fight with some very rude men who need work on their pick up lines
8. Walking to the taxi stand in the Converse sneakers of my very kind escort while he carried my (super cute yet) super not comfy shoes for me
9. Waking up on my couch even though I had obviously been in my bedroom to find my pj’s - seeing as half of my wardrobe had thrown itself up from my closet
10. Free massage in the center of a park after a delightful late lunch with PIC
11. Impulse purchasing the sexiest watch ever (for myself) and picking up a nice little birthday gift for the one we call Mr.Cocktail
12. Meeting the same group of ten for dinner again approximately 2 hours after eating my first lunch/dinner – resulting in a bit more laughter
13. More flaming shots
14. Trying for ten minutes to let myself into the wrong building – those digicodes on the front door are great, as long as you can see straight…
15. Waking up on my couch again
16. Delight brunch with PIC and another friend – who unfortunately was forced to listen to us piece together the previous 48 hours
17. Followed by a brisk little walk through my favourite part of Paris
18. Napping. Eating. Nip Tuck. Bed
19. Waking up to remember it was Monday not Sunday and it was time to get back to reality….
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