I find that as the weather here in this lovely little city of lights improves that my motivation to sit and write in front of my computer diminishes. Until I take a few minutes and reflect on all that has happened since the last time I recorded my adventures, it is then I realise that I write no just to share what is happening in my always crazy life with the handful of people that read but because it actually helps me digest everything that I bring on to myself. In the last week or so I have:
Thrown my first (very successful) house party, complete with signature drinks, pink shakers, glow jewellery, dancing and amounts of laughter I wasn’t sure was actually possible to reach.
Spent two lovely Saturday enjoying an unhealthy amount of food on a blanket in a park; taking photos (which I really will post soon) and really just enjoying the sunshine that we have been lucky enough to experience over the last few weeks.
Purchased 2 unreal pairs of shoes for an incredible price but simply trying (and trying is the key word here) to speak French with the salesman. It worked I paid much less than I should have… I did have a short skirt on that day though… either way, my feet are happy ; )
Experienced my first (and most likely not last) French breakup/heartbreak...But in the long run this one really will be for the better… a few tears, a short dress, one of those new pairs of shoes and a few weekends on the town should turn this one around.
Taken a silly game the PIC (partner in crime for those of you who forgot…) and I use for cheap laughs to a whole new level and introduced it to many innocent friends, bringing them down to our level of wickedness.
Realised that in 5 short days I will have been living in Paris for EXACTLY one year. Bringing on huge amounts of reflection, laughter, tears, sadness, excitement and anxiousness (not sure that last one is actually a word, but we are running with it for now) …. I am sure this one will be expanded on in the next few days.
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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