So there has been a bit of a gap since I wrote last. I am blaming it fully on the death disease that smacked me in the face around 11am last Tuesday. I woke up feeling happy and fine, went off to work, started my day and all of a sudden BAM!!!!!!! It was like death's cousin - whom I will call Almost death, makes you wish for your mom and to be out of your misery - arrived in full force. I spent the following three days in bed. I slept for a complete 24 hours and after that moved just enough to check email for work on my blackberry. I haven't been down and out like that in a long time. It was actually far enough down I made my first real doctors visit. It was quite interesting for a few reasons. 1. The office was in an old apartment/house style building so it felt about as as oppositebfrom a dr office as you can get. 2. Don't check in and fill out paperwork and hand over your insurance card. You sit and just wait. 3. The actual exam room was a beautiful old bedroom, completebwith a fireplace and huge bay windows - the exam table and desk thrown in there just looked like it was out of a movie. 4. The combo of Franglais the doctor and I spoke was good enoughnto get by BUT made me happy I wasn't trying to explain anything crazy!! After some antibiotics and cough syrup prescription were written, I was on my way back home to bed. Saturday morning - about 4 days after the lovely cousin of death( ok maybe I am being a bit dramatic) made a pit stop in Paris to visit me I was back up on my feet and ready to rock. Which was good news because Saturday was the start to yet another weekend of firsts in Paris!!!! More on that soooooooooooon :))))
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
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