This entry is dedicated to my friend Nina <3
It has been brought to my attention that I have been a serious slacker on this little blog of mine and I need to change my bad habits and get back on updating it. Especially since the last month or so has been one of the most intense I have had since I have arrived in Paris. Not only is this small documentation interesting for anyone of my family and friends to read, but I am hoping that one day I can print it all out like a nice little diary and have it to look back on. So again with that said… it is time to get back into the swing of things. In order to quickly recap the last month I will do a Top Three most interesting things list… starting now:
1. Riding Elephants in Kuala Lumpur – while in Kl for an Alstom University event, we had the opportunity to spend a weekend there and travelled out to the jungle to visit an elephant reserve. Not only did we get to meet the elephants, feed them and ride them, we were able to take a quick dip into a river (which on any normal day I would have said HELL NO to going into) where the elephants rolled over with us on their backs and we got to play and splash around with them.
2. Exploding Curling Iron – So after many months here ( I can’t believe it is at almost 9 to be exact) I decided that I needed a little change in my hairstyle, mostly because it is getting really long and I am sick of it being all boring and straight. So I purchased a nice little curling iron from the BHV (the one stop shop for ANYTHING you could ever need). I immediately took it home and plugged it in ready to play around. About ¾ of the way finished with my hair – it was delightfully curly and cute- I heard the most awful popping sound and felt quite the surge in my hand and all of this happened as every light in my apartment went out and all of my music stopped. After spending about an hour trying to figure out just how to turn my electricity back on I managed to find a small orange knob that had to be turned behind the multiple fuse boxes in my apartment. Needless to say the curling iron was shot and so the remaining straight hair was tied in a knot on the top of my head to be hidden from the curls. No worries the burning smell in my apartment was taken care of with a splash of perfume and a nice breeze from the windows and my date had no idea that I had almost electrocuted myself just an hour before he picked me up.
3. Disneyland – WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO that pretty much describes that one in a nutshell. My lovely little sis and her boyfriend came to visit for a week and aside from all of the normal sightseeing we did – we dedicated an entire day to acting like 5 year olds at Disneyland. It was beyond awesome. Although the park has many similarities, it is a bit smaller and the colors a bit brighter – I have been told this is because the sky is always gray so it is to make it look more appealing. Space Mountain 2 at Euro Disney – can not be beat though. I would and will be going back as soon as I can…
Other super interesting things:
Singapore – this city is unreal and I highly recommend that if you have a chance you make the bes to fit and go. I will be returning for some vacation time… there is such a great mix of cultures plus for me being American I had everything I could have ever missed – Burger King, Hooters, Tiffanys, Palm Trees and beaches all in one place. Not to mention the airport, which you could spend an entire weekend in getting massages, shopping and eating. Try it out.
Catacombs – Creepy yet really interesting. This underground city of bones is really just something that you should do at least once. The story behind it will give you goose bumps.
Falafel – No matter how many times you eat it, going a Sunday without some is tragic ; )
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
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