Ok so for the last, oh I don't know 6 months or so, it has been close to impossible to leave my apartment without a jacket on. Not a huge problem for me I suppose because anyone who knows me knows that I have quite the jacket collection. But the thing here is that people LIVE in black jackets. It's unreal. I have had this thought before but with all the flowers blooming and the trees sprouting pretty green leaves it is seriously depressing. Now I have to admit I did cave slightly to the black jacket thing rotating two (ok maybe three) different black jackets with a gray one thrown in here and there. But enough is enough. It is time to swim away from the dead black jacket sea and onto brighter spring colors. So tonight I ventured out in a beautiful (if I do say so myself) coral/ pink colored rain coat and let me tell you what... I am currently sticking out like a soar thumb as I sit on the metro. No matter though because I know that everyone is looking just wishing they could trade in their blahness for a nice change of pace. So to all you black jacket lovers out there - switch it up - I bet you'll like it ;)
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
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