This time last year and this time for many many many years before I would be cooking, cleaning and getting the beverages cold for one of my favorite days - the Superbowl. This Sunday has always had a nice warm fuzzy place in my heart. A day you can get together with friends, family, eat, drink, laugh at commercials or groan at how awful they are, and yell at the tv. Yet as so many things have been this year - this Superbowl Sunday - just won't be the same. Actually to be totally honest I didn't even realize it was Superbowl until I was reminded while talking to my mom on the phone the other day. So on this lovely Parisian Sunday I am catching up on True Blood and practicing my passé compose and imparfait tenses of Francais, while remaining in my comfiest clothes ever. Yes that's right french homework on a Sunday afternoon, maybe surprising but.... Somedays this language thing ALMOST makes sense and I have found some good motivation to really start speaking French. Go - ha wow realized I don't even know who is playing the big game today- so go whichever team you want!!!! And please feel free to pass along the best YouTube clips of the commercials this way.
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
They are all here, enjoy! Hope your homework went well! <3
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