This little weekend recap post, should have gone up yesterday but in evidence of a VERY good weekend. I fell asleep, computer on my lap with not much typed at all. So here it is today. After being here for almost 10 months I am still having lots of firsts. Including my Friday night adventure to my first Parisian nightclub… interesting and awesome to say the least. I had to dig way back into my college days of not even leaving to go out until after midnight, but I pulled it together like the champ I am, got myself dressed up and made it happen. We then spent the night in the VIP area with our own bottles, mixing our own drinks and dancing the night and the morning away. The music selection was a bit interesting for me – at one point the DJ really had me concerned when he began a medley with “We Will Rock You” not at all what I expected, but I think it was just to get everyone warmed up and that it did. I think one of the craziest things was the fact that this little club (ok, it wasn’t little at all but… ) is pretty much underground and so there are no windows, making it very easy to not pay any attention to time. What I am trying to say is that it was actually light outside by the time we left to have our nightcap (I guess it was technically a morning cap at that point). Yup – that is right, no last call at 1:45 for these crazy Parisians. It really was a lovely way to kick off what ended up being one of the best weekends I have had since my adventure in Paris began. After a brief nap – because there is no way you could say I went to bed at 930am on Saturday… it just sounds wrong – I woke up and made my way to a basketball game with some friends and ended the evening feeling about as Parisian as one could by going to the movies on the back of a little scooter. Yes my dear family – I had a helmet on and no it is not as scary as it might seem, buzzing in and out of the cars and busses on the incredibly busy streets of Paris. I wrapped it all up by soaking up the sun reading all day Sunday in front of my huge windows with the pigeons happily chirping in the streets. It is funny how the littlest things like dancing all night and cruising around on the back of a scooter that make you feel like you have finally accomplished things the same way someone who is from here would.
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
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