Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunshine and Silly Words

It was another remarkable weekend here in "Gay" Paris. It started off with a fantastic Friday Lunch/Afternoon at work. Lunch is one of the best times of day for me  - not just because I love to eat but because I really get to experience everyone I work with a bit more personally, plus they try and make me learn as much French as possible while we eat so it always turns into something hysterical. This week - I really am not sure how it came up but I was introduced to the word - Vachement, which literally translated means "Cowly" like mooo cow with an ly written at the end of it. Apparently the word is used when something is very very good or bad or big or small or anything that can be described with a very very type of adjective (I think that is the right word). You can use your imagination but pretty much everything that we had during the rest of the lunch was cowly. Good times. Now the weekend progresses Saturday was great - I truly love Skype. Spent about 5 hours in front of the computer and saw most of my family and of course one of the most special girls ever. I was able to catch up with so many people that I miss dearly!! And now Sunday night, I am sitting on my couch trying to ease my sunburn that I was so lucky to get while reading in the Luxembourg Gardens today. Oh not to mention that Sundays are my favorite days to explore because when I walk down the market street right next to mine it is just the best sensory overload ever. Bread baking, chicken roasting, wine displays out, ice cream being scooped and a sweet old man and his wife playing a trombone and singing.... ok sidetracked and we return to the gardens - I loved it so much last weekend I just had to go back. It really is the best way to spend an afternoon. Sunshine, sandwich and a good book - next time I will seriously need to remember the sunscreen. It would have been key to success today.  Sunburn aside while I was walking around today and after talking with the family yesterday and laughing at lunch so much on Friday, I realized how lucky and how amazing this is. Cool experience, the most supportive family and I am starting to "fit in" here with my friends at work.