Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Ok I am trying to go to sleep, running through today in my head and playing some parts of it back. Specifically a conversation I had a lunch today with a coworker about singing Opera. Yes, a bit random but totally normal, we actually even got a little preview at the table - anyway as the conversation went on (which was very interesting as I am a big fan of singing really loud whenever I can AND I have never met anyone who actually is trained to sing opera) he said something very intriguing, "My son is studying and wants to be a professional opera singer." Maybe it doesn't take you a back as much at first but the way he said it was so proud and very flattering and all I could think is OMG - I have never heard and probably will never hear a man at home say that about their son. I take that back, I am not even sure I would hear a mother say that about her son around a table of co-workers, I mean do we even actually have opera training at home?? Why did I think this was so out of the blue and completely something I would never imagine hearing?? I mean we have commercials on tv about pooing in blue jean diapers yet a father being totally supportive of a career in opera blew me away..........