I spent the last three days in a town called Chantilly. It is about an hour Northeast from Paris and absolutely gorgeous. Paris is beautiful but very much a city and for a serious country girl - shout out to NH, MA and VT : ) - it was beyond refreshing to see trees, fields of corn and wheat and flowers growing. Not to mention some quiet, birds (not pigeons) chirping and even the peeping of toads at night. Still no AC for those thinking I got my break from the heat, I know you are all very concerned. Beside the nice break of nature I was also able to experience something that I had been seriously craving. BBQ!!! I got what I was hoping for, well in a very French way. On the opening evening of the event, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and scenery and had a massive bbq behind the castle - yup that's right we were at a castle. I think chateau is the "correct" term but castle sounds much better :) I have lots of pictures of where the event was held and I will post them once I unpack my disaster of a bag. Something exciting for you who are reading this to look forward to. Back to BBQ - they set up a large charcoal grill and cooked up all sorts of yummy things - baked potatoes the size of my head, with fresh sour cream and chives to put on top, grilled tomatoes and rosemary, lamb, beef and mergueze ( not sure that is how you spell it but I will look into it). It really hit the spot. Funny that I ate dinner at a castle and spent three days in the Paris countryside and the best part was the bbq I had on the first night. I guess the simple things really are the best!!!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
Yay for BBQ!!!! Can't wait to see the pics!
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