Sunday, November 27, 2011


Although I will probably be the only one that gets excited about what I am about to write, I can't help but share it, even if I am like- oh I don't know - 6 months or so late... oops, sometimes I am a bit slow on the uptake. BUT as I was reviewing my blog stats the other day (side note about this to come below), I noticed that there was an unfamiliar link that was directing people - or at least one person, quite a few times, to my blog from A Taste Of Garlic. A blog that I have been following for awhile, because it is all about other people's blogs that are here in Paris, they could be American and here for school, families gettitng used to the culture, French cuisine blogs - there really is a serious mix of everything in this one -stop - about France - shopping -spot.  Anyway, I clicked it and what did I find - a sweet little shout out to my own personal favorite blog - Nouvelles Aventures!! WOOT WOOT for me, the best part is that the shout out is for one of my favorite posts and ever present topic of conversation - Men… French vs American. Now, I would prefer that you go and read  both of the posts yourself (use the links above) but just in case, making that extra click is too much check it out:

The whole preface of this paragraph is about a woman trying to attract Australlian or French men...

" From what I hear, she’s not doing too well on attracting French ones...
Unless she want’s to inform otherwise?
Perhaps she needs to take some advice from Ksam at Totally Frenched Out or Laura at The Everyday Life of a Young American Girl in France?
Or perhaps she should ask Heather at Nouvelles Adventures who asked Why are French men so irresistible in her post on Men… French vs American?

Heather is, of course, one of the three joint winners of this week’s Award for Explaining What You Should Know About France! "

So thank you Mr. Keith Eckstein for noticing my little blog and sharing it with a few others, although, as I mentioned before, I am a bit slow on noticing in this case, it is very much appreciated and I hope my man comparision will help someone out in the long run... because we all know how my French man experience worked out... or should I say didn't work out ;)
** Side note - only because I mentioned this above when reviewing my stats for the blog. Not that I expect millions of hits or even want that. I write to share with my family or friends who need a break from work and there is nothing interesting to read on MSNBC or CNN (hehe) and could be wondering what I am up to. But mostly I write for me, because when this whole experience is over I want to be able to remember every dance with a pompier on the 14th of July, every strike I sat through on the metro, every heartbreak, every experience and well just everything. But please if you do read, feel free to comment and share, I sort of look forward to the thought that someone will!!