Wow wow wow… another couple of week stretch with no update from me. Sometimes I am a serious let down. But I have to please crazy business for this lapse in writing. I just finished the biggest event I have coordinated thus far in my career and to top it off I helped to MC/Animate it. And let me tell you what – being up on stage is definitely a good time. Not that I like the attention or spotlight or power of having a room of 120+ people paying attention to me, it was because I know I was helping support the next generation at Alstom learn and grow…. Hahaha ok so it was mostly the first part but I tried to convince myself it wasn’t just that. Anyhoo… in the final weeks of planning some things have passed by here as well including Thanksgiving – which I celebrated with a traditional (and expensive) turkey dinner at a small café and again the Friday after with a French style feast at a friend’s home – complete with foie gras (one of my personal favorites). It wasn’t a typical Thanksgiving holiday by any means, mostly because we work both Thursday and Friday here but because it was the first time in 28 years, I have not spent it with a single family member. Unless you count my newest family – the French one I have made since being here for almost two years… Other than that work has sort of gobbled up my life and I do not have too many interesting stories to tell, but I think that will all change now that the big events are over and I will have the opportunity to take in Paris once again without wondering how many people coming to my next event are vegetarians or if I booked enough hotel space or debating the price of a champagne cocktail for the welcome drink… With special attention to come to the window displays that are decorating the shopping centers of Galleries Lafayette and Printemps as well as decorating my apartment and my mini tree, welcoming my first guest in a while, a trip to Barcelona for (hopefully) some sunshine and photography opportunities and enjoying the holidays here in Paris, yup that is right, not only did I just spend my first Thanksgiving here without any family but I am about to venture into the Christmas season here as well… I will keep you posted on how I am faring with this one!!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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