Monday, April 4, 2011

Men ... French vs. American

Since I have arrived in France this topic has come up at least once (or twice or even three times) a week. Sometimes because I am surrounded by French and American friends, so it is an easy thing to debate, sometimes because I am trying to over analyse what a text or gesture actually meant, sometimes it is just simply because well French men have an incredible presence that I find rather intriguing. Now that I am exploring this world a a bit more, I find that there is always a question of culture, what to expect, what is considered normal here and what is simply American ... because let me tell you what, dating here is a whollllllllllle new ballgame baby. A few weeks ago during a rather intense conversation  my good buddy and I were discussing a recent encounter I had with a gentleman...  which of course lead to the always present question of who is better - French or American guys. Although I can not give a 100% answer currently, the jury is still out on this one. We did a little search to try and figure out why the French man is so irresistible this is what we found....

Don't be scared - click it and take a peek...

A few highlights for those of you that don't have time to read at this very moment:
  •  A Parisian has no competitors for fashion sense. Ordinarily you would never buy an orange scarf for your boyfriend, until you see a Parisian walking along the Champs Elysees with an orange silk scarf complementing his "decontracte" style. (I never thought I would double take a man in a scarf and tight jeans, I am continually proven very, very wrong ...)
  • It does not matter what a French man tells you, if he says it in French you will be at his feet. Their accent, pronunciation and who knows what else are so irresistible (Ding, ding, ding ... we have a winner)
  • Attitude, French guys look straight into your eyes when they are talking to you. (At first this is almost intimidating unless you are talking to someone with gorgeous eyes)
  • With French men you can talk about anything you talk with your girlfriends. ( Yup - it's true, anything and everything, periods, sex, clothes, shopping, you name it they can chat about it)
  • A French man actually appreciates your selection of toiletries. They can even recognize your perfume by name. (This is for sure a true story...)
  • French men are still gentlemen (mmmmhhhhmmmmm, I'm talking opening doors, giving you the jacket, and carrying your purse)
  • Their life does not revolve around football matches.  - Ok this is the only thing I MUST dispute, even though I don't have much to go on from what I have seen, this quality is built - in trait, no matter where you are ...


laura said...

My number one reason why i think Frenchmen are better is how they treat women. Like you said, they are still gentlemen, and also they compliment you at least once a day and just make you feel so loved and adored! Also I agree that everything is sexier when said in French.