Sunday, July 31, 2011


Well it seems the pilot unions are on strike again and unfortunately (well actually fortunately) I am being affected by this little demonstration. After spending hours on the phone this morning with Air France trying to find a flight that didn't force the PIC and I to have multiple layovers (keep in mind this is an hour flight from Marseille to Paris) it seems that getting back to Paris tonight is simply not an option. So rolling with the punches like we normally do we sucked it up, paid for an extra night at our hotel (which is fantastic by the way) and strolled through the harbour side market until the ferry was ready to take us back to the rocky beaches on the Ile de Ratonneau. Where we have been forced to eat hot dogs, soak up the sun and float in the salty water... Yes I know - life is tough but sometimes you have to deal with the cards you've been dealt ;)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Butts and Bikes

Now this is something I have noticed quite a bit here in Paris but for some reason this morning it really stuck out to me and got my mind a racing. How in earth do you smoke a cigarette and pedal a velib through the city all at the same time?? I wont lie I do a lot of walking and have even been known to work out from time to time but there are still occasions when I'd like to stop and take a break (for example this morning while lugging my suitcase and camera bag in and out of the metro)!! So the thought of pedaling (not so sure that is the correct spelling) and inhaling just seems a bit counter productive to me..... If you look closely you'll see the suspect in the photo is a bit famous and NO this is not who I saw this morning but managing my suitcase and trying to snap an action shot proved to also not be a good idea!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Photo Update (Pompier Style)

I just realized this morning - after also realizing it had been awhile since my last post (thanks for the motivation Ma and Papa <3) I never shared my Bal des Pompier photos... well here they are... happy viewing : )

Looking for sunshine

Well since the sun that normally resides over Paris has apparently up and left for summer holiday, like the rest of the city, I have decided to take matters into my own hands. On a last minute whim and in serious need of some vitamin d in my life the PIC (partner in crime - it has been awhile since my last post so I figure a reminder might be necessary) and I booked a last minute trip to Marseille leaving tomorrow evening and returning Sunday night. Go ahead take a little peek at the forecast ... No complaints there at all!! No I am not crazy the temperature is in celcius so you have to do a quick conversion. Someone taught me this trick awhile ago and although it not exactly the conversion it should get you within a few degrees. Take the temp in celcius multiple by two ( or add it to itself whatever explanation you find easiest) and then add 32. See easy peasy!!! So with that we are looking at a weekend staying in the high 80's. There is actually a chance I won't return from this trip and will stay baking in the sun for the rest of the summer...,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

That time again

It's the evening before Bastille Day here in Paris and I'm ready to go dance the night away with some champagne and my local firemen!!! Seriously this concept is fantastic and I think I'll request to start the tradition upon my return to the US. The camera is charged up and ready to rock and roll so some pictures should follow. I'm keeping the same goal as last year. Evidence I was there will come in the form of a pic with a uniformed firefighter!!! Metro has arrived. More later. Happy Bal de Pompiers tout Le monde!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, July 9, 2011

To shop or not to shop... that is the question...

It is a cool, grey day here in the city and I have already taken great advantage of the fact the sun is not shining by staying tucked up in bed for quite awhile longer than I normally would once my eyes pop open in the morning. But since I have been up and roaming around, sipping coffee (CONFESSION: I have started using instant Nescafe coffee because even after a year of experimenting with the espresso maker in my flat, I am continue to be the WORST coffee maker EVER), munching on some breakfast I can't help but think about the Soldes. It is that time of year again one of the two big SALES of the year. I will be honest, I have held off even going into a store since they began, knowing that the damage could be quite significant. But I am not sure I can control the urge any longer... so the question remains .. shop and fight the Saturday crowds or remain cozied up in my apartment saving all that hard earned money in my little French bank account???? 

Want to learn how to work the sales?? CLICK ME!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Take this as my official resignation from cleaning. I Heather Caisse refuse to ever scrub and mop and vacuum and dust and shine this apartment ever again because it is the sole reason that I missed the opportunity for some real deal American BBQ!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Seriously NOT OK. So here is how it happened. After being gone for two weeks, then trying to get back into the swing of things this past week, I realized my little maison needed some serious loving. So this morning I turned up my  iTunes (probably  a bit too loud if you ask my neighbors, but I need to drown out the singing!!) – which was ready and loaded with the best sing aloud music EVER!!!!  And I went for it, dust, mopped, shined the hardwood, vacuumed (my mortal enemy) scrubbed and washed this place up. All the while missing emails, texts and phone calls regarding one of my favorite things ever BBQ and to rub a bit of salt in the wounds, it could have been my tribute to the upcoming 4th tomorrow (which will be the 2nd one I have missed….. I would kill for some fire works, corn on the cob, fried dough and burgers baby)… so there you have it. My cleaning resignation.... I can never let a tragedy like this take place ever again.  

Here is where I could have been eating this afternoon:

Click HERE!!! For menu, pics and reviews... Warning - May result in drool on your computer...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Silly Strike.

Back to the grind this week. I just returned form a lovely two week s back in the lovely US of A and I have to be honest, it felt fantastic to be home, have a break from work and the crazy fast paced lifestyle I have been playing with for the last few months. Although I did not keep up sufficiently with blogger updates I, as I always try to do, will make up for it now that I have returned and am almost back on the right time zone. Even though it is the first weekend back, I wasted no time booking it up with delightful activities. It was all SUPPOSED to start tonight with a trip to Parc Villette to a Cirque du Soleil type event - the NOUVEAU CIRQUE DU VIETNAM. But in true European fashion the show this evening is on hold because well there is a (gues what and drumroll please…..) STRIKE. Yeah that is right – Vietnamese clowns on strike… who would have thought… Ok I don’t actually think it is the performers but the people who work at the venue, but then again everyone seems to like to strike here so who really knows… update soon on the outcome of the strike and to let you know whether or not the show goes on!!!

UPDATE: PIC just called and the weekend has been rearranged. Cabaret show at Opera this evening and Cirque tomorrow…details about how fantastic this weekend was as soon as they are available : )