The weekend :: A beautiful (and quite honestly my favourite) part of the week, as I am sure most people would agree. I know I have said (again and again) that I had the most amazing weekend ever, but seriously they just keep topping the one before!! Although I feel like I could write pages and pages about this past weekend I will keep it to a quick review. I do call the right to have the possibility of a follow up post. Let’s start with Friday – a night in a new area of town I have never explored – The Zenith, a lovely little concert house in the 16th. Where I was given the great pleasure of seeing Ben l’Oncle Soul… anyone who knows me is aware that I have been in love with this singer since the first time I heard his music. It is an incredible mix of jazz and soul with a nice mix of English and French as well. Allowing me the opportunity to practice my French language skills (always a plus). The show was just unreal. The set up was like a big band show complete with dancers, guest appearances and a totally random crowd – making for great people watching… not only was Uncle Ben awesome but the opening act Imany was a great new discovery. Her voice is gorgeous and soulful and I highly recommend you Google or YouTube or whatever it is you do to find her music. As most of the things I do here in Paris are – it was also a learning experience. The first lesson was just a reminder about how important it is for me to improve my speaking skills – within minutes of being seated Annee had an ice cream salesman (I have no better term to describe him) going down to the floor to buy us a beer, he didn’t even ask for the money upfront – fantastic start to the evening. The most interesting part came next though., I was completely shocked that everyone stayed in his or her seats for almost the entire show. Even the people on the floor were just standing and sitting where they chose. It was crazy – especially with such good tunes blasting all around us!! Being the party package we are though Annee and I made it a point to get up and bust a move. Ensuring that we had nothing but a fantastic time. Now I said before that this concert was in an area I am not overly familiar with but the walk back to the Metro was filled with some serious characters – most of them being men trying to pick up anything that walked by. My favourite catcall/pick up line of the evening goes as follows “Mademoiselle your face is so much prettier than your boots” normally this being spoken in French would have me flattered and at my feet but after having three other randoms tell me their address to go sleep with them I just wanted OUT OF THERE. I will keep that gem of a line in my repertoire for a later date though… The rest of the weekend was simply filled with the typical spring/summer activities’ including shopping (for the two beautiful babies I am so excited to meet in a week!!!), drinks on a variety of terraces and lots of walking in the sunshine. Oh and an incredible little dinner with some very good company - which is the reason I was out past my bedtime last night...
The longer I stay here and the more weekends that pass the deeper in love I fall with this city and the friends I have made in it : )
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
I'm falling in love with the city and I am not even there!! haha... So glad you're having fun my darling now rest up so you can enjoy some time home! Joe and I are more than excited to be hosting you at our place for a couple days! see you soon :)
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