Anyone who knows me knows how important music is to me. Not just becuase I love to sing to really cheesy songs and dance around but because it keeps me sane. There are some songs that have special connections to certain parts of my life - good and bad. It helps me focus at work, keeps me motivated when I am cleaning my apartment (which I hate and am looking for a cleaning lady if you have any suggestions...), it makes me happy when I am missing home or having a bad day and it really just brings me to a place that nothing else can. A few weeks ago I had the fantastic opportunity to see a fantastic little band called The Airborne Toxic Event at a nice and intimate venue called, La Flèche d'Or , in Paris SIDENOTE: I went to this show with my good buddy Fred - who also has a similar passion for music (almost daily we bust into song at the coffee machine) and he continues to enlighten me with new songs not only from this band but others as well. Since the show I have simply been addicted to their acoustic Bombastic videos that are on Youtube. This is for multiple reasons, one being we met the lead singer (and then the rest of the band) after the show in Paris and were able to actually chat for a few, so I feel a bit of a special connection to the music now. Second I am a TOTAL SUCKER for a guy playing the guitar and the words to these songs are just so well written. Today in particular Fred passed along a few beauties that I can't stop replaying so I thought I would share my right now favorite with anyone who may stumble upon this post today...
And a few photos from the evening of the conert - just because!!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Airborne Toxic Event
Labels: La Fleche d'Or, music, paris, sing, videos
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A sea of black...
Ok so for the last, oh I don't know 6 months or so, it has been close to impossible to leave my apartment without a jacket on. Not a huge problem for me I suppose because anyone who knows me knows that I have quite the jacket collection. But the thing here is that people LIVE in black jackets. It's unreal. I have had this thought before but with all the flowers blooming and the trees sprouting pretty green leaves it is seriously depressing. Now I have to admit I did cave slightly to the black jacket thing rotating two (ok maybe three) different black jackets with a gray one thrown in here and there. But enough is enough. It is time to swim away from the dead black jacket sea and onto brighter spring colors. So tonight I ventured out in a beautiful (if I do say so myself) coral/ pink colored rain coat and let me tell you what... I am currently sticking out like a soar thumb as I sit on the metro. No matter though because I know that everyone is looking just wishing they could trade in their blahness for a nice change of pace. So to all you black jacket lovers out there - switch it up - I bet you'll like it ;)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Joyeux anniversaire a moi!!
J'ai habité a Paris depuis dix mois!! C'est incroyable comment vite le temps passe.
In honor of these last ten months I have come up with 10 things I am very happy about right here -right now:
2. My fantastic group of friends that I have made here. These people have truly become my "French Family". They help me with everything from setting up my cable and internet, to sharing recipes and little known restaurants, singing cheesy songs over coffee with me, inviting me to meet other people and see things I would never imagine finding if I was just exploring on my own and they always have stand up advise when it comes to being homesick, work and all the other little things that may come up... (including but not limited to shopping dilemas, Mr.Cocktail, interpreting textos and deciphering what they maybe serving at the cafe for lunch...)
3. Coffee. At first this incredibly strong black stuff just kept me up all night. Now I wake up craving it. Two in the morning (usually with some tasty little biscuit or cookie) and one after lunch. And if you throw in sitting outside on a gorgeous spring day you can't go wrong.
4. My Franglais. Yes that is my mix of French and Anglais. This is something I have been working very hard at - as mentioned above and there are days when I literally want to jump up and down and scream YIPPEEEEE when I understand entire conversations... you can't even imagine my enthusiasm when I actually speak in a complete and proper sentence. It's a beautiful thing.
5. My ever-growing dictionary of inappropriate French Words... This actually factors in from Number 4 - but now I will be able to go home and use all the bad words I want and no one will ever know. Sorry Ma but it's going to happen ;)
6. Pain au chocolat - enough said. Seriously how I have lived for 27 (oh snap almost 28) years without this buttery chocolate filled delight is beyond me.
7. Euro Disney - yes maybe this one sounds strange. But I had one of the best days of my life here when ma seur et son copaine were here visiting. My face honestly hurt from laughing at the end of that day. Between the rides, the princess crowns, the crazy people we saw and hearing Disney characters in French - I couldn't have asked for a better day with two more amazing people.
8. Vin Chaud - another one that maybe a bit odd but I have MANY happy memories attached to this cheerful little winter drink. Especially walking around the bitter cold land of Strausbourg with my parents, exploring Hambourg with a very dear friend and of course daring to battle the winter cold still sitting on a cafe's terrace (I live in Paris, I can't say no to a terrace). It makes for a happy little pick me up. This one can also just include all of the other delicious wine I have been lucky enough to experience here in Paris as well. Because let me be honest - I have tried a lot and I have liked a lot...
9. My boot collection - yeah yeah yeah - you were all just waiting for this one. My shoe/boot collection has "matured" quite nicely since my arrival in Paris and yes that makes me a very, very, very happy girl
10. Last but not least - knowing that I still have an incredible amount of experiences to look forward to, more friends to make, laughs to laugh, wine to drink, tasty treats to eat, French to speak without the Franglais, and relationships to build and grow in- with people both here and back home. I am incredibly excited about the last one in the list of many but then again I would be lying if I said I was not excited about the rest of the list ...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Tis the season
![]() |
Millefeulle @ Cafe de la Paix |
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Burning Rubber...
And not because I was driving!! Last night was one of the strangest nights I have experienced here and I am pretty sure that there wasn't even a full moon. Around 130am, after a few good hours of sleep I heard quite the commotion outside of my building. Side note: this was loud and clear because it has been so gorgeous the last few days I had all of my windows open. I went to take a peek and what do i see but a girl in her pajamas wrapped in a blanket screaming at (well what I have to assume is) her boyfriend. While she is yelling and crying he is trying to escape on his scooter. He managed to get on the bike but his sweetheart was not moving out of the way. This played out for about ten minutes and he eventually was able to maneuver around her and take off rather quickly - this being the first time rubber would burn on my street. About 30 mins later I was back at the window trying to see what could have been the cause of a very loud bang. I was looking for a guy with a gun running away or something that exploded. But all was clear. Thinking things were finally going to calm down I settled back in and was almost immediately greeted by the delight aroma of burning rubber. I don't mean a car peeling out, I mean a pile of rubber that someone set fire to. At the window again I start searching and see a firetruck at the end of the street and the pompiers all getting out but nothing on fire... Yet. That is until I look straight down and see a car right below me in flames and smoke pouring out of all the doors. First time for everything I guess. After assessing the situation the pompiers eventually put it out and that was that. The police looked around for a bit, it didn't look like they found much, everyone left and the charred car was left for the poor owner in the morning. Imagine having that to walk out to when ae are ready to leave for work... Oh la la not a delightful way to start the day.
Monday, March 21, 2011
A Parisian Weekend
This little weekend recap post, should have gone up yesterday but in evidence of a VERY good weekend. I fell asleep, computer on my lap with not much typed at all. So here it is today. After being here for almost 10 months I am still having lots of firsts. Including my Friday night adventure to my first Parisian nightclub… interesting and awesome to say the least. I had to dig way back into my college days of not even leaving to go out until after midnight, but I pulled it together like the champ I am, got myself dressed up and made it happen. We then spent the night in the VIP area with our own bottles, mixing our own drinks and dancing the night and the morning away. The music selection was a bit interesting for me – at one point the DJ really had me concerned when he began a medley with “We Will Rock You” not at all what I expected, but I think it was just to get everyone warmed up and that it did. I think one of the craziest things was the fact that this little club (ok, it wasn’t little at all but… ) is pretty much underground and so there are no windows, making it very easy to not pay any attention to time. What I am trying to say is that it was actually light outside by the time we left to have our nightcap (I guess it was technically a morning cap at that point). Yup – that is right, no last call at 1:45 for these crazy Parisians. It really was a lovely way to kick off what ended up being one of the best weekends I have had since my adventure in Paris began. After a brief nap – because there is no way you could say I went to bed at 930am on Saturday… it just sounds wrong – I woke up and made my way to a basketball game with some friends and ended the evening feeling about as Parisian as one could by going to the movies on the back of a little scooter. Yes my dear family – I had a helmet on and no it is not as scary as it might seem, buzzing in and out of the cars and busses on the incredibly busy streets of Paris. I wrapped it all up by soaking up the sun reading all day Sunday in front of my huge windows with the pigeons happily chirping in the streets. It is funny how the littlest things like dancing all night and cruising around on the back of a scooter that make you feel like you have finally accomplished things the same way someone who is from here would.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I'll Take It ....
The gorgeous weather that is! The last few days in Paris have been unbelievable (aside from the fact that I can not stop itching my eyes because everything is turning green and blooming and prospering like it should be). But there is no comparison to a gorgeous Spring day here. It is like the entire mood of every Parisian changes ... this morning on my walk to the office I actually saw some people smiling with a slight bit of happiness in their step. Not to elude that all Parisians walk with a frowny face BUT they do tend to be much less expressive then people cruising around the streets of new England! Keep the sunshine and warm weather coming...
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
And we are back in action...
This entry is dedicated to my friend Nina <3
It has been brought to my attention that I have been a serious slacker on this little blog of mine and I need to change my bad habits and get back on updating it. Especially since the last month or so has been one of the most intense I have had since I have arrived in Paris. Not only is this small documentation interesting for anyone of my family and friends to read, but I am hoping that one day I can print it all out like a nice little diary and have it to look back on. So again with that said… it is time to get back into the swing of things. In order to quickly recap the last month I will do a Top Three most interesting things list… starting now:
1. Riding Elephants in Kuala Lumpur – while in Kl for an Alstom University event, we had the opportunity to spend a weekend there and travelled out to the jungle to visit an elephant reserve. Not only did we get to meet the elephants, feed them and ride them, we were able to take a quick dip into a river (which on any normal day I would have said HELL NO to going into) where the elephants rolled over with us on their backs and we got to play and splash around with them.
2. Exploding Curling Iron – So after many months here ( I can’t believe it is at almost 9 to be exact) I decided that I needed a little change in my hairstyle, mostly because it is getting really long and I am sick of it being all boring and straight. So I purchased a nice little curling iron from the BHV (the one stop shop for ANYTHING you could ever need). I immediately took it home and plugged it in ready to play around. About ¾ of the way finished with my hair – it was delightfully curly and cute- I heard the most awful popping sound and felt quite the surge in my hand and all of this happened as every light in my apartment went out and all of my music stopped. After spending about an hour trying to figure out just how to turn my electricity back on I managed to find a small orange knob that had to be turned behind the multiple fuse boxes in my apartment. Needless to say the curling iron was shot and so the remaining straight hair was tied in a knot on the top of my head to be hidden from the curls. No worries the burning smell in my apartment was taken care of with a splash of perfume and a nice breeze from the windows and my date had no idea that I had almost electrocuted myself just an hour before he picked me up.
3. Disneyland – WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO that pretty much describes that one in a nutshell. My lovely little sis and her boyfriend came to visit for a week and aside from all of the normal sightseeing we did – we dedicated an entire day to acting like 5 year olds at Disneyland. It was beyond awesome. Although the park has many similarities, it is a bit smaller and the colors a bit brighter – I have been told this is because the sky is always gray so it is to make it look more appealing. Space Mountain 2 at Euro Disney – can not be beat though. I would and will be going back as soon as I can…
Other super interesting things:
Singapore – this city is unreal and I highly recommend that if you have a chance you make the bes to fit and go. I will be returning for some vacation time… there is such a great mix of cultures plus for me being American I had everything I could have ever missed – Burger King, Hooters, Tiffanys, Palm Trees and beaches all in one place. Not to mention the airport, which you could spend an entire weekend in getting massages, shopping and eating. Try it out.
Catacombs – Creepy yet really interesting. This underground city of bones is really just something that you should do at least once. The story behind it will give you goose bumps.
Falafel – No matter how many times you eat it, going a Sunday without some is tragic ; )
Labels: alstom university, elephants, falafel, sister, travel