It is that time of year again here in Paris. SOLDES!!! That’s right – this time for the goodies of Hiver (winter) and let me tell you they are in full force. It is actually crazy how many more people are packed into le magazines (shops) around town and the bigger stores are just a disaster waiting to happen. But when you think about it why wouldn’t they be?? When there are that many pairs of boots and jackets on sale – who wouldn’t want to be in the store reaping all of those benefits?? I have decided that since I have done NO shopping since I returned here after Christmas that I deserve a little treat. Friday – I have taken the day off and I plan on marching myself around this city to find the best of the best deals. I won’t lie I don’t have anything specific that I am on the market for but that will make this be a fun little adventure …. searching for the kind of prices and things (most likely shoes) that I cannot live another day without!!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
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