Cofffee break time, along with lunch time and well just about all the times we have lead to very interesting conversations. Over coffee a few days ago I was chit chatting to everyone about the MONSTER blizzard everyone at home (well in the US, I've found myself refering to Paris as home a few times...) was experiencing. 2 feet of snow in some places, I don't remember the last time or if I have ever seen that much snow at once. And I digressed as usual but back on track, the snow conversation led to a conversation about how the Seine was overflowing here and flooding some of the banks in Paris. The river is quite big and along most places it is surrounedd by benches and pathways for people to walk. I am secretly hoping it keeps flooding over the weekend so I can go take some photos. For me when I think of a river or a lake or anythign flooding it is because of th esnow melting and causing a big rush of water. So my mind began racing and racing and I became curious as to why this river was overflowing, is there snow melting somewhere (it has been in the 40's here for days on end now) causing this normally calm body of water to take over?? So I asked and being surrounded by French I figured it would almost be a "silly" question. Turns was a very good one!! Google quickly became our friend as we searched. Interested to find out where the Seine begins????
Click Here ---> The Seine - How Stuff Works!! OR Click Here ---> Bonjour to the Seine
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