Ahhhhhh. Back home after the first day of work for 2011. I have to be honest it actually felt really good to wake up and get back into my little routine. Especially walking to work. I didn't realize how much I missed using my two little feet (ok so they aren't so little but that is beside the point!) to get myself around town. Now when it comes to missing the metro and my seriously close morning encounters I can not say the same. Don't get me wrong, I loved being home and relaxing more than anything but I think I will keep those vacations as a treat. So anyway apparently along with kissing everyone hello upon a return from the New Year holiday you also should greet them with two little phrases. Normally I would be all for this but after almost two weeks of no French and some jet lag it just seemed really intimidating. The little expression goes as follows:
Bonne année et bonne santé !
The first part which I heard many,many,many times today honestly sounds like a person saying banaknees. Sort of part banana and part knee. I'm sure I won't forget that saying now!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
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