Thursday, July 29, 2010

I found this amusing

I am searching around Paris for a fantastic dinner and activity I am planning for the end of September. There are quite a few enticing options and I am sure I will be able to choose one that (hopefully) appeals to all. While searching I found an event that is called: Oenologie - which no matter where I translate it still just comes up as Oenologie. Anyway the event includes tasting wine, learning about vintage years years, games around wine and all sorts of other great goodies. In the land of wine sounds pretty fantastic to me. As I kept reading - and translating- this last section really caught my eye: (DISCLAIMER - the translation isn't the best on this, Thanks Google Translate)

"Cinerea also offers many fun animation wine, including the Bacchus competition, hunting treasure with riddles, vine and wine; the quizzs are set of role that put you in the skin of a winegrower tests. Best part coming NOW > And since the alcohol abuse is dangerous for health, we guarantee guests of your evening to enterprise security. When they emerge from the meeting room staggered up to their vehicle, Back & Safe society is committed to see them in their own vehicles, without taking any risks on the road. Once visited destination, drivers will deploy a folding scooter and fit on the place of the event to other accompagnements."
I am telling you the French are ALWAYS thinking!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I have never seen bikes like I did this weekend. Between Amsterdam and le Tour de France I would be willing to bet I saw about 50,000 bikes. That is no joke. Let's start with Amsterdam .... first and foremost it was breathtaking. It looked like someone picked it up from the middle of Once Upon a Time  and plopped it in the Netherlands, along with a Heineken factory and a bazillion bikes. Yes a bazillion is more than 50,000 so I may have exaggerated that last description.  I only spent a total of 24 hours in this pretty little city BUT they were fantastic. Getting around in a new city normally frightens me a little bit but with canals to follow and the iphone there are no worries for this girl. Between a boat cruise along the canals, passing Anne Franks house and a stop in at the brewery I saw quite a bit of what Amsterdam had to offer but honestly the best thing I saw was the bikes..... 

Hmmmm, I can't seem to remember where I parked .... maybe on the ramp, or over by that tree, oh it's near the blue bike... I have no idea how they do it!! It's like a mean joke they play on the patrons of all the coffee shops!!

In this parking garage alone there are something like 5,000 bikes. The garage went out over the water, had multiple floors and the space leading up to it was jam packed with bikes like I have never seen before. About 90% of the bikes were the old fashioned looking cruisers, some were painted and decorated with flowers and baskets and colors. I can imagine the bike is truly a reflection of the person riding it. 

Aside from the bikes the other thing the really amused me was the amount of Western culture the city had. When I left I was determined to try some Dutch food, never have so why not?? But as I walked I realized I was surrounded by Mexican, Indonesian, Pizza, McDonalds, Steak places and this delightful little hot dog stand: 

Yes I ate there and it was wonderful...notice it's surrounded by bikes?!?!

Monday, July 26, 2010


It has been a few days longer than normal since I have written. But all for good reason and all will be very entertaining.  I have treated myself to a small "holiday" if you will.  Just a few days but enough time to relax, take a quick trip to Amsterdam, see the final of the Tour de France and just enjoy a few days of exploring. So many pictures and so much to share about the past 4 days. Unfortunately for the blog the back pack is loaded up with some snacks, a bottle of wine and I am off to enjoy my last day off before back in action in the real world tomorrow. I'll be filling you all in soon.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Strike 2

When they told me they enjoy striking here in Paris - they really hit that nail on the head. The only reason I am interested in this tid bit of info is because I need to fly at the end of the week on my first inter-European adventure..... take a peekm apparently I will be seeing much more of this::

Go on!! Read more about the upcoming unrest in the European skies, know you want to:: Unified Skies Plan

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It's warm up on the fourth floor today and it's making me quite sleepy. Actually to be honest I don't have anything of interest to share today. I'M FEELING BORING. So let's indulge in the excitement that I have in the upcoming days - one day of work left -  then a few days off. I would bet your bottom dollar that they will be quite interesting too. Up on the agenda is:

  • A quick trip to Amsterdam (I plan on making many of these quick trips to other European countries- just cause I can - imagine me saying that in a very matter of fact kinds way!!)
  • Witnessing the last stage of the Tour de France and their laps on the Champs de Elysee
  • The potential viewing of Toy Story 3 in 3d - yes they have movies in English here
  • Maybe a jaunt down to the Paris Plage - this lovely little wonder is essentially a Seine Side holiday for those who don't venture off to the sea for the month of August. This Paris Beach comes complete with ssand they dump along the river banks, lounge chairs, umbrellas and from what I have read even ice cream vendors.. wooot woooot.... This topic leaves much to be explained and eventual photos. DISCLAIMER: even if this fete isn't accomplished over this mini-holiday I have coming then it will be done in the very near future so as I said before hold on to your pants!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Apres-Soeleil and Sushi

Big day for me. Had my first sushi lunch while in France. It was no Ginza (and oh do I miss Ginza, for those of you unfamiliar Ginza is the tasty Sushi/Hibachi place down the street form work. We were frequent fliers there). BUT I have to be honest I enjoyed every minute of it. Especially the delightful beef and cheese wonder-melt on a stick. Ok so that is not what it is called but they should rename it. Anyone who takes cheese puts it on a skewer and wraps it with teriyaki beef is a GENIUS!!!!! Today's lunch hour did more than enlighten me to this tasty little treat it also made me realize just how awfully sunburnt my poor shoulders and arms are. As we walked to the sushi restaurant I was desperately looking for shade. Every time the sun hit me it felt like -well what I imagine it would be like to be a vampire going into the sun - little Twilight love there. I honestly don't even remember the last time I was this red. As the day progressed anytime anything came close to touching my shoulders (or my pants rubbed my knees - also the color of a fresh new red crayola crayon) I wanted to scream.  The choice was made for me, aloe vera was a must. As soon as I got off the Metro after worked I walked directly to the little Monoprix.

Monoprix is the grocery store at the end of my street. 
For future reference:
Little Monoprix = the Target type store on one side of the street
Big Monoprix = The Stop and Shop type grocery store on the other side of the street

Never in a million years did I think that buying some aloe vera would be so difficult. One would think it is the green ooey gooey stuff in the bottle with the picture of an aloe plant on the front. Well folks - Welcome to France - they have every other kind of lotion out there, olive oil lotion, grapefruit lotion, jasmine and honey lotion and I even saw a tomato lotion (no joke). Finally after the longest and one of the most painful hours of my life, I spotted a word I recognized "Apres" on a little tiny bottle by the tomato lotion. Now apres means after and the reason I know this is because in the bathroom at work there is a nice little sign across from the toilet asking to, "Please use the brush after (apres) you use the toilet." They like things clean here apparently. Either way that word was music to my eyes because directly apres the word apres was the word soeleil which I also recognized and drumroll please - it means  SUN!! Thank you in French. Putting the two together was one of the most magical things I have done since I have been here. Now I am pretty sure there is no aloe in it but it feels delightful and cool and hydrating on my extra crispy skin. Plus as an extra perk I smell like I just returned from delightful tropical island. Now if only I had a strawberry margarita that was served to me in a coconut........

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunshine and Silly Words

It was another remarkable weekend here in "Gay" Paris. It started off with a fantastic Friday Lunch/Afternoon at work. Lunch is one of the best times of day for me  - not just because I love to eat but because I really get to experience everyone I work with a bit more personally, plus they try and make me learn as much French as possible while we eat so it always turns into something hysterical. This week - I really am not sure how it came up but I was introduced to the word - Vachement, which literally translated means "Cowly" like mooo cow with an ly written at the end of it. Apparently the word is used when something is very very good or bad or big or small or anything that can be described with a very very type of adjective (I think that is the right word). You can use your imagination but pretty much everything that we had during the rest of the lunch was cowly. Good times. Now the weekend progresses Saturday was great - I truly love Skype. Spent about 5 hours in front of the computer and saw most of my family and of course one of the most special girls ever. I was able to catch up with so many people that I miss dearly!! And now Sunday night, I am sitting on my couch trying to ease my sunburn that I was so lucky to get while reading in the Luxembourg Gardens today. Oh not to mention that Sundays are my favorite days to explore because when I walk down the market street right next to mine it is just the best sensory overload ever. Bread baking, chicken roasting, wine displays out, ice cream being scooped and a sweet old man and his wife playing a trombone and singing.... ok sidetracked and we return to the gardens - I loved it so much last weekend I just had to go back. It really is the best way to spend an afternoon. Sunshine, sandwich and a good book - next time I will seriously need to remember the sunscreen. It would have been key to success today.  Sunburn aside while I was walking around today and after talking with the family yesterday and laughing at lunch so much on Friday, I realized how lucky and how amazing this is. Cool experience, the most supportive family and I am starting to "fit in" here with my friends at work.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Better late than never

Last weekend was one of the best weekends I have had in Paris. I went out with some fantastic people and was able to really experience some very fun French things. I promised pictures of my Sunday adventure so here they are. It really was such a cool day, good food, good wine, good company and ice cream!!! WOOHOO!!!!

Spent the morning at the Jardin du Luxembourg (beautiful, I think I'll be spending time there this weekend)

Bee hives making honey - they will be selling it in September.

Model made before the Lady was sent to the US

The resemblance is uncanny


Yes... that is a rose shaped ice cream cone...
 Yes... I enjoyed every moment of it...

French Lesson (Leçon de français)

Had my first French lesson yesterday. Holy exhausting. I knew when I started this would be one of the most challenging parts of being here. It is also one of the parts I am most looking forward too. Being able to say I am bi-lingual or can at least sort of speak another language when I leave here will just be such an accomplishment for me. Not to mention how much easier it will make my day to day life for the time being!! This may seem dorky but I actually daydream about going to the outdoor market and asking for fresh fruit and vegetables or going to the butcher and getting one of those delectable smelling roasted chickens..... but until I can at least semi speak and semi understand those treats have to wait. Gives me something to look forward too though - have any of you noticed how much my life here revolves around food?? Ok just checking!! Back to French lessons. I will be meeting with  my teacher, one on one, twice a week, for three hours a week and then going forward maybe more if we can fit it in. I have about 150 hours worth of lessons to use this year, I plan on using as many of those hours as possible. So my first lesson went well, I think that is a good way to put it. I laughed a lot, mostly because in my head I sound very, very, very silly. It is unbelieveably awkward to say words in a completley unfamilar way. We covered the basics - numbers,where I live, my name, what languages I speak, how old I am - I actually told her the wrong age, said I am older than I really am, that is  how flustered I was. Hahahaha. Oh well. Once we covered my basics which we repeated back and forth MANY times she asked about my brothers and sisters and to describe where they live and where they work etc etc. What she didn't know is that I have six of them. Talk about a long and painfully tough exercise for me (probably her too). Let's put it this way by the time the first hour and a half was finished I needed a piece of chocolate, a glass of vin (wine - see I learned something) and a NAP. My brain honestly hurt.

I think the key to success here will be to stay motivated and practice. Which I think I can handle - so do me a favor and keep reminding me how badly I really want to learn this beautiful language.

Now I am sure you are dying for a sample:
Je m'appelle Heather
Je parle anglais
Je travaille chez Alstom Universite
Je suis une femme
Je suis (une- I think - the feminine/masculine stuff is a whole new story) coodiantrice evenements mondial
J' habitat en Paris dans le six-septieme
J'aime la pizza!!

Happy Translating : )

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

13th & 14th of July

Last night was lovely. Such an experience. The fire station looked beautiful, with balloons and streamers and lights and decorations everywhere. The amount of people there was unbelievable no matter where you looked or where you turned there was dancing, singing and champagne popping.
The firemen were all serving beer and champagne in their uniforms.
 (very fancy here in Paris by the way)

One of the most interesting things is that type of people that were there - the ages ranged from about 3 years up until well probably 75 years, the type of person was just as varied. Such a neat experience to be surrounded by so many different types of people celebrating all together. I think my favorite part of the night - aside from the champagne, which was legitimate champagne actually from the Champagne region of France- was all the crazy French 80's music. There was a band that played all night long - they were actually very good, but the music was hysterical. They played everything from Joan Jett to Maroon Five to Michael Jackson to Diana Ross, to Earth Wind and Fire to French music that I have been told was VERY popular in 70's and 80's. Watching everyone sing and dance and jump around was a sure fire way to put a smile on my face. Today now was not so exciting. Tried to hit the parade and the weather took a turn for the worse. Thunder, pouring rain, and lightning all morning and most of the afternoon. So the picnic I had packed is still sitting in the fridge and honestly I spent most of the day in sweaties on my couch!! Haven't had a day like that since I have been here. So I guess the parade and fireworks will have to be a next July thing : ) One Bastille Day tradition was a good start for me.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"The Paris firemen... kings of the night.."

I am about to find out if this is true. Every year on July 13th all of the fire stations in Paris transform into party stations. From what I am told this is the night of all nights. Everyone comes out for music, food, champagne, dancing and lots of good times. Don't worry I'll have my camera to document it all!!!! More later must get ready to meet everyone!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm an alien

This afternoon was a big step for me and my legal right to stay in the City of Lights. Spent the afternoon in the Immigration Office with all of the other Parisian aliens out there. To be honest, I hope that is the one and only time I have to sit in that office. Glamorous it was not. Honestly I felt like I was in a bad, low budget movie. Although the people watching was top notch and I did get quite lucky - I actually got a seat that wasn't being splashed from the water dripping into an overly full bucket in the middle of the floor. After waiting for about 45 minutes I was taken into a back room with curtain separated examination cubicles, was weighed and measured (so far so good - the chocolate filled bread has yet to catch up with me) and then placed in a locker sized space with a blue door and a nice paper dress.  Xrays and another 45 minute wait then I was lucky enough to be let into another back office and be examined by the "doctor".  You would think with all the waiting and formality there would be an actual physical but NOPE, you take three deep breaths, say if you smoke or not and get your blood pressure taken. Guess what my friends - you are now reading the blog of a Parisian citizen well once my visa arrives and then only for the time frame that it is valid. But close enough for now!!!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pétanque & Picnics

Quite the lovely weekend here in Paris. Lots of firsts for little old Heather Caisse. It was the first weekend that I spent becoming "immersed" in the French community. Saturday evening I was invited to a picnic on the canal with some friends rom work and their circle of friends. At first I was a little nervous, had no idea what to bring and no idea if any of them besides the ones I worked with would speak english... but after stopping at the market and picking up a nice bottle of wine and a tasty looking strawberry tart, I met up with my friends (Fred and Agnes) and we were on our way. Once we started walking and chatting I stopped worrying about the speaking and what to bring part and just began enjoying the evening.  We ended up at a great little spot along a canal of the Seine where 7 others met us, including one of the cutest darn babies I have ever seen in my entire life. The next 4 hours were filled with laughing, eating - smoked sausages, bread, hummus, fresh veggies, potato salad (with fresh homemade mayonnaise), fruit and french cakes. Now these are not real cakes but salty cakes filled with delish little things like mushrooms and ham and onions. Now to wash all this down we had wine, champagne and beer. Aside from teaching each other  silly words and sayings - French for me, English for them and laughing and really just enjoying we witnessed someone jump into the river and take a swim. Now this may sound normal BUT seriously I wouldn't touch this river with a ten foot pole. As soon as it happened the conversation went to wagering bets about how many hours it would take for this guys skin to fall off::

Once the shock of the mystery swimmer wore off and everyone had a full belly and glass of wine in hand, I was introduced to the lovely French game of Pétanque.  This game is quite similar to Bocce Ball and I am just as bad at the French version as I am with the English version.  Either way it was one of the best nights and experiences I have had since I have been here in Paris. Being invited to join a circle of friends during their Saturday evening was flattering and exciting. Even though I wasn't able to understand everything that was going on we were able to communicate, laugh and enjoy the beautiful evening together. I am very much looking forward to having many more of these picnic parties while I am here.  One last interesting tid bit. I was requested for next time to make CUPCAKES - apparently this is not something that is common here and my skills are needed to bring these happy little treats to the hands of my French friends. Anyone want to send me a box of Duncan Hines??? Hahaha...... just kidding, just kidding, I'll make the real deal the first time around then all bets are off!!


Today (Sunday) was also an awesome day. Picnic in the park (Luxembourg Gardens) with the fine gentleman responsible for offering me this opportunity!! More on that one and pictures tomorrow. Right now I am debating on a before bed treat and a glass of wine......

Chantilly Pictures

Friday, July 9, 2010

French BBQ

 I spent the last three days in a town called Chantilly. It is about an hour Northeast from Paris and absolutely gorgeous.  Paris is beautiful but very much a city and for a serious country girl - shout out to NH, MA and VT : ) - it was beyond refreshing to see trees, fields of corn and wheat and flowers growing. Not to mention some quiet, birds (not pigeons) chirping and even the peeping of toads at night. Still no AC for those thinking I got my break from the heat, I know you are all very concerned. Beside the nice break of nature I was also able to experience something that I had been seriously craving. BBQ!!!  I got what I was hoping for, well in a very French way. On the opening evening of the event, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and scenery and had a massive bbq behind the castle - yup that's right we were at a castle. I think chateau is the "correct" term but castle sounds much better :)  I have lots of pictures of where the event was held and I will post them once I unpack my disaster of a bag. Something exciting for you who are reading this to look forward to. Back to BBQ - they set up a large charcoal grill and cooked up all sorts of yummy things - baked potatoes the size of my head, with fresh sour cream and chives to put on top, grilled tomatoes and rosemary, lamb, beef and mergueze ( not sure that is how you spell it but I will look into it). It really hit the spot.  Funny that I ate dinner at a castle and spent three days in the Paris countryside and the best part was the bbq I had on the first night. I guess the simple things really are the best!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Ok I am trying to go to sleep, running through today in my head and playing some parts of it back. Specifically a conversation I had a lunch today with a coworker about singing Opera. Yes, a bit random but totally normal, we actually even got a little preview at the table - anyway as the conversation went on (which was very interesting as I am a big fan of singing really loud whenever I can AND I have never met anyone who actually is trained to sing opera) he said something very intriguing, "My son is studying and wants to be a professional opera singer." Maybe it doesn't take you a back as much at first but the way he said it was so proud and very flattering and all I could think is OMG - I have never heard and probably will never hear a man at home say that about their son. I take that back, I am not even sure I would hear a mother say that about her son around a table of co-workers, I mean do we even actually have opera training at home?? Why did I think this was so out of the blue and completely something I would never imagine hearing?? I mean we have commercials on tv about pooing in blue jean diapers yet a father being totally supportive of a career in opera blew me away..........

Home is ......

Spent the 4th of July weekend in a place that doesn't celebrate 4th of July.  I'll get over not having a long weekend but it really made me miss everything that comes along with the warm and festive holiday.... bbq's (which I am seriously just missing in general, what I wouldn't give for a nice grilled burger with all the fixings, some kielbasa, zucchini and corn on the cob.... maybe a nice lobsta too... ok completely just side tracked, back to action), fireworks, music, beer, chips, horseshoes, sunshine and being with friends and family. I will have a new kind of "freedom" celebration here next week. it is France's "4th of July" known as Bastille Day or officially "La Fête Nationale". On the 14th of July there will apparently be madness all over this place. Another history lesson by Heather: Bastille day commemorates the storming of Bastille - which took place on... yup you got it July 14th (1789, for those who were wondering). This glorious day marked the beginning of the French Revolution, more on that once I learn more myself. The Bastille ( I know you are curious) was a prison that pretty much marked and symbolized Louis the 16th's ancient reign. When Bastille was taken over (the prison only held about 7 prisoners at the time of the attack, but still, those people meant business) it was a the people showing that the king's power was no longer the word on the street and that the power should be based on the Nation - this was the birth of the republic and what a nice republic it is. The coolest thing about this is that on 13th apparently it is PARTAAAAAY central, the fire stations hosts balls where you go and drink and there are fireworks and galas and things I will have to just witness first hand from what I am told. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed every ounce of my weekend and I am sure I will enjoy every ounce of Bastille day and it's festivities but this weekend did one thing very well and it truly made me realize that (get ready for a little cheesiness) home really is where the heart is <3

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Ever slept in an oven?? Come on down to 4 Square Gabriel Faure, Paris France and give it a try.... come one come all...

Ok - so seriously, I have always enjoyed sunshine, warm weather and everything that comes along with it. BUT I never realized just how horribly spoiled I was when it came to air conditioning. Looks like I'll be sleeping around September..........

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Soooooo hoooooooot ......

I wish I was writing to post about my fantastic new finds from all these fabulous sales but unfortunately I haven't even had a chance to look anywhere. By the time I have gotten out of work the last two days it has been almost 8 and EVERYTHING closes here at 7. So even if math isn't your strong suit I am still betting you can put 2 + 2 together. Now back to the topic at hand... HOLY HOTNESS> Never have I ever been so warm in my entire life as it is on the Metro in the mornings. WOW. The worst part is this is only the beginning of the summer so I am sure the mercury is going to keep creeping up. I had invested in a fan when I first got here BUT now that I am sitting in my apartment sweltering (ok, I might be exaggerating a little right now) I think I probably should have bought 2!!!

Weather for the week::


Partly Cloudy

Mostly Sunny

Scattered T-storms


Partly Cloudy
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