Oooopsy ... I can not believe that is has been 2 weeks since I have written. Man oh man, I am just not keeping up with things the way that I should be. And well the thing is I have a list about a mile long with things I want to write about on here!! I guess the last couple of weeks have been so jam packed that when I get home or have a few minutes typing or even sitting in front of my computer is not what I want to be doing, we can thank work for that!! I have been one BUSY BEE!! Next weekend I leave for Philadelphia for the event that has been running my life (well one of the events, I am currently working on two, which has turned out to be quite a balancing act - yikes!) and since it has been running my life it has essentially grounded me from writing here!! Ok, excuses, excuses but planning an event totally remotely has been quite interesting. Lucky for me I have made it a priority to fill my weekends with at least one day totally away from work stuff (yes I have been working on the weekend for the last few weeks. Talk about dedication baby)! Last weekend, I experienced my first indoor swimming centre here and as nervous and well not excited at all about trying it - I grew up swimming outside with my cousins and friends in Grammy's above ground pool with floaties attached to our matching watermelon bathing suits- so a public pool and all the unknown people in it is a bit intimidating - it turned out a-ok and I actually really enjoyed myself. I forgot a few things, one being how much I enjoy being in the water and two what a great little workout swimming is. Especially when you are trying to keep yourself afloat in the deep end with two little kiddos (the partner in crimes kiddos were the reason to be at this pool) jumping all over you and asking for rides to the lane markers and back! I am definitely planning a return trip, I may even bust out the old goggles and swim cap for old times sake... This weekend I will be indulging in some LONG OVERDUE shoe shopping and on Sunday I will be attending the Rugby World Cup at a Pub in the 8th district with some good friends, who I know will make waking up at the butt crack of dawn on a Sunday totally worth it (if you are reading this, take this as your warning to be sure I have a good time) plus they promised that the rugby men on the tv will be worth it just on their own... !!
So rest assured, even though I have been a bit quiet on here, I am not being boring and staying holed up with nothing exciting going on, it is just the opposite, I haven't had much free time to update, but I'll work on it. Promise!!
*details about the shoes I purchase today and the rugby event tomorrow to follow!!!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
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