Going on right now. Trying to plan an event in Chattanooga FROM New England - quite interesting to say the least all the while trying to do a million and one things to get ready to move to a new country. It has been quite an intense few weeks and although it is really starting to take a toll on me, I can look forward to the day when I can look back and say "wow", I can not even believe I did that!! Two weeks from tomorrow I am leaving on jet a plane .. don't know when I'll be back again.... ok well that is a little untrue because I will be back in August and I do know that. BUT the two week thing is VERY true and there is lots and lots to do until then.... including but not limited too - packing the rest of my life into 2 suitcases, running a successful Leadership and Management event for about 70 people in Chattanooga, seeing everyone that I want and need to see before I go (which is turning out to be two things:: nearly impossible and a constant cry fest) and well about 50 other things. I knew this would be intense and a huge learning experience but it seems like everyday another layer of something is added not always related to moving either. Turns out that taking a job in another country makes you take a long hard look at what you have in your life. So far I can't complain about a single thing - maybe that is why as the move date creeps closer, I am getting less and less strong about saying goodbye (re-read the last sentence or two - notice the tear part, haha)........ I can only imagine what the next two weeks will hold for me - once we get through that - then maybe just maybe I can start thinking about the next two months!!!! More later.
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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