It is here!! Today is the day!! Once I arrive and have my internet setup of course, the plan is to have daily or close to daily updates. Gotta finish up the last minute packing and shut the computer down. Bon Voyage 413, Massachusetts <3
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
8 Days
I am writing this from Chattanooga, TN at an event I have been coordinating for the last few months. Everything has finally calmed down and really gotten under way so I have a little time to take a breath and catch up. What the calming down has done is made me realize that in 8 quick days I will be on my one-way flight to Paris!!!! It is amazing how fast time flies by. The good news is I am going to be ready to go once I get there. My things (mostly shoes and clothes, and photos of very important people) have already arrived and are in storage waiting for me to get there. Once I have those delivered to my (gorgeous) apartment I will be ready to really get settled in my new home across the pond : ) What is still amazing to me is the amount of communication and paperwork there is when applying and receiving a French work visa, as this is my first time being an expat, I am not sure how other countries are but this seems to be very involved. I am just hoping that my visa picture never leaks out online or to anyone for that matter, not so hot!!!! Speaking of which I need to send some more information to the packing/moving company now.
Let the countdown begin ...............
Thursday, May 13, 2010
A little eye candy from the "Orientation" Trip

So many things.........
Going on right now. Trying to plan an event in Chattanooga FROM New England - quite interesting to say the least all the while trying to do a million and one things to get ready to move to a new country. It has been quite an intense few weeks and although it is really starting to take a toll on me, I can look forward to the day when I can look back and say "wow", I can not even believe I did that!! Two weeks from tomorrow I am leaving on jet a plane .. don't know when I'll be back again.... ok well that is a little untrue because I will be back in August and I do know that. BUT the two week thing is VERY true and there is lots and lots to do until then.... including but not limited too - packing the rest of my life into 2 suitcases, running a successful Leadership and Management event for about 70 people in Chattanooga, seeing everyone that I want and need to see before I go (which is turning out to be two things:: nearly impossible and a constant cry fest) and well about 50 other things. I knew this would be intense and a huge learning experience but it seems like everyday another layer of something is added not always related to moving either. Turns out that taking a job in another country makes you take a long hard look at what you have in your life. So far I can't complain about a single thing - maybe that is why as the move date creeps closer, I am getting less and less strong about saying goodbye (re-read the last sentence or two - notice the tear part, haha)........ I can only imagine what the next two weeks will hold for me - once we get through that - then maybe just maybe I can start thinking about the next two months!!!! More later.