OK - So I made it to Paris safe and sound. The direct flight from Boston was great. Especially after running into two other travelers from Alstom. After a glass of wine and a dramamine I was able to snooze for most of the trip. I have to be honest , Air France is a delightful airline to travel with. Dinner was good, seats were pretty comfy AND so was the "taxi" ride in. Since I was such a graceful packer - I was able to hop on a "Moto- Taxi" pretty much its a big motorcycle that straps your luggage on the back and you cruise through town like there is no one else on the road. I have to admit that was quite the entrance into the city - if I do say so myself. I did pass some interesting sites - one being the entire street dedicated to "Sex shops" - after asking about this later on in the day I discovered I was in a real life "Red- Light District". No lie - I actually saw a big red Roaxann sign on one of the buildings. I think we may have even passed the Moulin Rouge as well.... a trip back into that area will have to be on another date and time and definitely when there is still day light. After checking into my Hotel/apartment suite I made my way into the office. I will be taking pictures shortly and posting them so you all can see... I know you are dying too. The offices here are NOTHING like the cubes we dwell in at home. Everything is very open, full of natural light and very modern. I think I will enjoy my time there - once I learn to keep my voice down that is!!!! All in all it was a great day - met some fantastic people and even picked up a few new French words. After work two lovely ladies from the office helped me to get a Metro pass and we had one of the most delightful cafe au lait (that is coffee with milk) I have ever tasted. Oh and the coffee is NOTHING like it is at home. It is served in teeny little mugs and tastes like bits of delight in your mouth. I won't lie though I am EXHAUSTED. Hoping to get some good rest tonight so that I can jam pack the rest of the week with lots and lots of good stuff. More tomorrow - my eyes are crossing and I can't stop yawning. Bonsoir and Hugs.
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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