Paris was AMAZING. It was a busy, whirlwind trip filled with business and pleasure - two things that typically you won't find mixed together BUT this time it worked out lovely. The week started off in the office where I met so many fantastic people. I was able to get a very good feeling for the atmosphere I will soon be spending many hours in. The offices are about as opposite as can be from what I am used to though. They are open, modern NO CUBES (we like that) and full of windows (that open, another fantastic plus) and Alstom University has a fantastic space with brainstorming areas, conference rooms and an E-Learning center. After the first day at work I ventured out with two girls from the office to have my first French Metro experience. As I stood in front of the ticket counter and repeated back the very foreign words they said to me - it was in that moment that I realized this was going to really be a true learning and growing experience. Day 2- Trains were on strike in Paris - something I have been told I will need to get very accustomed too!! Tuesday night I was also able to see the entire city from the roof of one of the big shopping plazas in Paris - Printemps. The pictures don't even come close to doing it justice. As we were walking back down to the street I was enlightened about these bikes you can use your Metro card to "rent and ride".
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A little recap ..... (PART 1)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
20 miles at LEAST
The last day in Paris was FANTASTIC. We walked at LEAST 20 miles today!! That is not even close to an exaggeration either. Time to rest the toes and relax with a glass of wine, pictures to come soon.
PS: Nutella Macroons are to die for..........
Last Day
Saturday morning in Paris - Mom and I are off to explore today. I think our first order of business will be to get her some Metro tickets. I saw these little machine/stations that dispense them and I have my fingers crossed for an English option!! Still need to practice my French skills. This week has bee CRAZY so BUSY and so FUN! I have a lot to look forward to and will post pictures and update everyone with stories ASAP. Quick recap:
- The dinner cruise on the river was fantastic. Such a cool way to see Paris
- Saw 4 apartments - one I want to move into NOW but no such luck until I have my work papers
- I think we have walked more miles in the last 2 days than I have my whole life
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
choses que j'ai appris aujourd'hui
Things I learned today .....
- A metro card is for more than the trains and busses.....You can rent cruiser bikes all over the city
- Pureed carrots aren't all that bad
- The Monoprix grocery market sells everything from wine to panties and beyond
- I may already be head over heels for Paris <3
Monday, March 22, 2010
OK - So I made it to Paris safe and sound. The direct flight from Boston was great. Especially after running into two other travelers from Alstom. After a glass of wine and a dramamine I was able to snooze for most of the trip. I have to be honest , Air France is a delightful airline to travel with. Dinner was good, seats were pretty comfy AND so was the "taxi" ride in. Since I was such a graceful packer - I was able to hop on a "Moto- Taxi" pretty much its a big motorcycle that straps your luggage on the back and you cruise through town like there is no one else on the road. I have to admit that was quite the entrance into the city - if I do say so myself. I did pass some interesting sites - one being the entire street dedicated to "Sex shops" - after asking about this later on in the day I discovered I was in a real life "Red- Light District". No lie - I actually saw a big red Roaxann sign on one of the buildings. I think we may have even passed the Moulin Rouge as well.... a trip back into that area will have to be on another date and time and definitely when there is still day light. After checking into my Hotel/apartment suite I made my way into the office. I will be taking pictures shortly and posting them so you all can see... I know you are dying too. The offices here are NOTHING like the cubes we dwell in at home. Everything is very open, full of natural light and very modern. I think I will enjoy my time there - once I learn to keep my voice down that is!!!! All in all it was a great day - met some fantastic people and even picked up a few new French words. After work two lovely ladies from the office helped me to get a Metro pass and we had one of the most delightful cafe au lait (that is coffee with milk) I have ever tasted. Oh and the coffee is NOTHING like it is at home. It is served in teeny little mugs and tastes like bits of delight in your mouth. I won't lie though I am EXHAUSTED. Hoping to get some good rest tonight so that I can jam pack the rest of the week with lots and lots of good stuff. More tomorrow - my eyes are crossing and I can't stop yawning. Bonsoir and Hugs.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
It JUST kicked in that I am leaving on SUNDAY for a week!!! To go and look at apartments, see the new office and meet the new French faces that will soon be such a large part of my life. AND THE ONLY THING I CAN THINK ABOUT IS WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR?????!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH. To start with- I wear heels almost every day and now I will be walking EVERYWHERE - meaning I need to seriously re-think the footwear. I guess that means I'll be shopping (oh shucks!) for some new ballet flats and cool kicks this evening...... any suggestions?!?!?!
Shoes are really only the beginning, French women always seem so put together in and stylish (well at least in pictures they do), maybe this my chance to go out on a limb and get a little crazy......
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Bateaux Parisiens
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Chocolate Bar
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Aparthotel - half apartment / half hotel - BRILLIANT
Ok - here is the link for the hotel Mom and I will be residing at while exploring the city. It is a "flat" style apartment, not flat as in dimensions, but flat meaning apartment style. I guess I should get used to that type of terminology!! So much to learn and become familiar with, yikes!!! As I looked over the website I couldn't help but to be thrilled with this quote " Shopoholics will be overjoyed strolling around the big department stores or luxury boutiques." Now I see no issues with that AT ALL.
Some details come together...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Some pictures from Paris - Round 1 - December 2008
So this is where it all REALLY began - It was my first ever trip to Europe. I was there for work, to be trained in my new position and was lucky enough to have a weekend overlapping my stay in Paris. Since I was alone, I would eat some fresh baked delights that were made right at the hotel, put my IPod on and just WALK until I could walk no more.... here is a SMALL sample of pictures from that trip:
The view from one window in my hotel. I have a print that I absolutley love that reminds me of this and so as soon as I walked in and saw it, I knew I needed my own version.

The famous tower, up close and personal.

Well I guess I start here....
More later as I now try to figure out how to make this thing HEATHERIZED!!!
Labels: alstom university, expat, paris