So tomorrow is the BIG day - the official start (8am, because we Parisians need time for coffee and croissants) of the sumer sales in Paris. It has been so entertaining to hear everyone's game plans for the day tomorrow. That's right - I will be one of the only ones in the office. I won't lie - if I didn't have my first event starting next Wednesday, there is no way in H-E- Double Hockey sticks (Gram, that one was for you) you would find this pretty little, shoe obsessed girl in the office. My priorities got the best of me and I will be exploring in the evenings and ALL weekend long : ) Whether it is suits, shower curtains, shoes, frying pans or accessories EVERYTHING will be on sale tomorrow at the "Soldes". After a little research I found out exactly why these sales are so tempting and widely anticipated, read on for my kind of history lesson!!
- So the "Les Soldes" in Paris are held twice a year. Typically the last week in June to the first week in August AND then again in the winter from what I read starting in January to February. The sales consist of 5 weeks in which ALL of the stores present their best bargains. In order to preserve and upkeep the small businesses in Paris "legally" stores can also offer two - one week or one- two week sale before or after these sales, with all sorts of other regulations. If a store is to hold a "Soldes" and actually use the word, the buzz on the street is that the store can actually be fined. Now who on earth would want that. So I have started to train my for "promotions" and "-20" or "-30" as soon as I see that I know I have hit something good. I got off track with my history lesson there but then again history was never my strong suit.......
Case in point for the next 5 weeks, you can almost guarantee to see new purchases shared with everyone who happens to stumble upon this little thing I like to call my blog.... any suggestions on what my first :Les Soldes" purchase should be?????