I have been an AWFUL blogger. BUT I swear I will change my ways because there are only 31 more days left before I leave and I have so much to share. So I am going to try MUCH harder to devote some serious time to this bad boy because big things are coming. Aside from trying to pack up my life (and my shoes- which are a HUGE part of my life) I am trying to plan a week long leadership event in Chattanooga from Windsor, CT..... That in itself has been quite the learning experience. Needless to say I have been one busy little lady. Thankfully I am blessed to have such AMAZING support between my family and friends and co-workers OR ELSE I would be a blond hurricane of craziness. So THANK YOU to everyone who has listened to me cry, ramble on excitedly, whine, yell, sigh and throw things I should be packing. I appreciate it more than you will ever know. NOW - back to work so I can get out of here..... more to come... criss cross applesauce I PROMISE : )
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago